Burp Suite User Forum
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Hello, Hope all is well. After updating Burp to version 11.3, when I run Burp, I get prompted to update to version 11.3 again. This is strange because I didn't change any installation configurations. If I proceed to...
I am trying to resolve the lab of password reset poisoning now it saying "No response received from remote server". Showing some big symbols like this ">>" I tried so many times. I fed up of this .Could you tell why this...
We record the Login script successfully but when trying to test using the 'Application Login' --> Use Recorded login sequence --> 'Reply' browser open URL hit and stuck on it and after some second black screen display on...
Can somebody please explain this: https://i.imgur.com/648mRzC.png How am I supposed with scrollbars that are only a few pixels wide? Some-time this week Burp auto-updated itself, and now the scrollbars look like in the...
MAIN INFORMATION Operating System: Linux Default Java Version: java --version OpenJDK 14.0.2 2020-07-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 14.0.2+12) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0.2+12, mixed...
When i start Burp and use the proxy feature, Burp crashes for some reason after a random time. Diagnostics: awt.useSystemAAFontSettings on exe4j.moduleName ...
Hey, Burp keyboard shortcuts are not responsive occasionally (sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't - but mostly they don't), Burp is updated to the latest version (2020.11.2). The keyboard shortcuts are essential...
When burp pro is upgraded on Windows, the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\BurpSuite\burpbrowser folder retains older versions of burp browser instead of removing them, resulting in increasing disk usage. Currently this...
https://portswigger.net/web-security/host-header/exploiting/password-reset-poisoning lab 2 and 3 password reset via middleware and dangling markup are not working as suggested in the solution section in lab2 wiener...
Hello nice Team .May I know why you change fonts in 11.2 .I see after Update is new fonts . Do you think old was wrong.Now I see is strange .???
When i send file upload request containing burp collaborator URL in multipart form, the request received on the collaborator client consist of my own ip address as sender. Eg:...
I'm testing in an environment where all traffic must go through an upstream proxy. When I attempt to run an active scan on an endpoint where the upstream proxy will need to be used, the scan fails because it can't connect to...
I am trying to use Burp's compare site maps feature to test authorization issues for a client. The request/response pair of map 2 is not displayed. The request was successfully made, which is reflected in the fact that...
Please provide the ability to use previous themes for those of us that do not like the new themes introduced in 2020.11.2. I do not like the way the new themes look at all. They don't look modern on Windows 10 to me at...
hi there I am trying to use burp collaborator and unfortunately it is not polling data. I tried to make health check and got below results : We communicated with the collaborator, and appeared to successfully record...
Dear PortSwigger, I'm new to CyberSecruity and was really excited to discover the PortSwigger Academy Tutorials and BurpSuite. The labs are fanstastic. However, my experience of BurpSuite has not matched the labs. I...
I am trying to upgrade Burp Pro from 2020.9 to 2020.11.2 and it does not upgrade. The setup download and installs but when launched it prompts to download 2020.11.2 again and loads the previous version.
Unable to launch Embedded browser on MacOS 10.15.17 after Update to Burp 2020.11.2. Getting error "net.portswigger.devtools.client.y unable to start browser"
When manually stepping through requests in Proxy > Intercept, I typically use a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+F) rather than clicking "Forward" each time. Since the new splash page was added to the Intercept view (with the "Use...
I began to actively use extensions that analyze content in a passive mode, and noticed that in the latest version (and maybe earlier) there is a problem with creating an issue. For example, the Software Version Reporter...
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