Burp Suite User Forum
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We are experiencing issues where a site scan fails after 24 hours with the "Scan Not Progressing" error. Even though the scan configuration limits the Crawl time to 60 minutes it runs for a long time. Looking at the scan...
unable to add a \r\n to http2 header using repeater. Its saying its kettled, i tried without double clicking and its also not working.
Hi, I'm Butp Suite Pro user working for Lufthansa Systems Poland. On my MacBook, after last app update I've got on every app start a popup: "Do you want the appliaction "Burp Suite Pro Proffesional.app" to accept...
In OS Injection Attacks, "Blind OS command injection with out-of-band data exfiltration" the last lab on the page, there is no mention that you must have the Professional Edition of Burp Suite in order to complete this...
Burp Mobile Assistant "Test Settings" results in a failure for the "CA Certificate installed" condition. I utilized the "install" link from the Mobile Assistant application, downloaded it, approved it and granted trust to...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Send request containing JSON payload to repeater. 2. Open request in repeater. 3. Since request body is JSON, Pretty mode is automatically activated. 4. Note that longer lines such as User-Agent...
Hi, Occasionally, when I send a request to the repeater or intruder, the cursor disappears and clicking anywhere in the request doesn't bring it back. I end up having to close and reopen Burp Suite to make the request...
Hi, this bug has been around for more than a year now, and I'm unsure what's causing it. Current platform: - MacOS Catalina v. 10.15.7 - MacBook Pro 2019 - 2,6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 - 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 - AMD...
Hello, I'm developing a burpsuite extension and I stumbled upon a problem with MessageEditorTab rendering. I have a basic plugin : BurpExtender.java - https://pastebin.com/xAZewdZT SimplePluginMessageEditorTab.java -...
We are currently testing an application that requires NTLMv2 authentication. When first visiting the App over HTTP with the Embedded Browser, NTLMv2 authentication works. The application the immediately redirects the...
Hi, I followed the instructions provided in the documentation (https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/enterprise/getting-started/cloud/deploy-aws#nested-templates) to deploy BurpSuite enterprise to AWS. I used both...
Seems like bad rendering. Because when try to selecting text always empty big free space near selected text. When try to switching fonts, direction of empty space in selecting text just switching right/left
hi Team I would like you inform about some issue.I see when I use only Firefox browser instead Chromium.The Burp start Chromium browser .This generate more memory and some problem . Screenshot show this...
I pressed "Access the lab" button but only got "This site can't be reached" result. Are the labs having problems?
Windows 10 64Bit - Burp Suite Pro v2021.9.1 Corrupt Burp Project? Not too sure what happened, the project was being saved and reopened without any issues. Then this morning, when I closed Burp Suite Pro down for a...
So i'm running the probe on "Lab: H2.CL request smuggling" and the issues identified are: HTTP/2 TE desync v10a h2method HTTP/2 TE desync v10a h2auth HTTP/2 TE desync v10a h2path Not "HTTP/2 CL", this is...
With the latest version (2021.9.1) it's no more possible to decode base64 in the HTTP history tab using ctrl + shift + b. This problem is also present in the intercept tab
I tried 3 times now knowing that could have been a temporary problem, When I poison the Cache (followed the guide step by step) I get a hit and the cache get poisoned , but instead of serving alert(document.cookie) in the...
When I press on "select file" to add jython.jar it shows "failed to open file" under the area where it's supposed to show the location of the Jython standalone JAR file:
Hi I have burps match and replace enabled but it its not replacing, heres what I have done goto proxy tab > then options > enabled item request header > insert blind xss (begins User-Agent: *****some payload here**** set...
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