Burp Suite User Forum
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Looks like Microsoft has changed the game again. Word, Excel, and Access do not like the output from Burp Suite from the Issue Activty report. The more I try to get Burp Suite Professional to be a tool, the more difficult it...
The JSON response formatting/beautifying is not applied when the response Content-Type: is a value other then application/json. i.e: Content-Type: text/html. This is pretty inconvenient as there does not exist, to my...
Hey all, Trying to use burp with HTTPS site and I am getting this error. I have added the cret to trusted, I disabled SNI. Any thoughts how to fix this? Thanks.
whether it is creating a new/temporary project or trying to open up an old one. I get the below error on burp v2021.8 running on windows failed to create Burp project: cannot read the array length because "<local 8>" is...
Hi, Doing some tests I notice that Burp ( version 2.1.04 ) is missing the SQL injection at http://zero.webappsecurity.com under post data field payeeId. SQLmap will identify it with as the following: sqlmap...
hi Team New version sometimes freeze when wait for respond form server.And sometimes without reason.!! interrupt. Windows 8 Java SE Development Kit 15.0.1 64 bits
I have received the following response "An error occurred. We apologise for the inconvenience", while trying to load labs.
Hey Portswigger team! I'm having troubles starting the "Authentication bypass via encryption oracle"...
I have signed up for a trial version of the Burp Suite Professional, yet to receive the activation license.
Some of the labs are not working these days like OS command injection,Server-side request forgery and Directory traversal and many more. If i started to post the errors in them the message will be so long but i can explain...
Hi, the embedded browser is not working after a Burp update. I get the following error message when I attempt to launch the browser: net.portswigger.devtools.client.m: Unable to start browser:
Upon attempting to setup burp suite enterprise demo. After extracting files and running, I got an error. "Unable to generate enterprise server key". Please help.
java version "1.8.0_73" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_73-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.73-b02, mixed mode, sharing) Latest version of Burp Pro. Upon launch, splash screen displays briefly and...
Hi, I'm using burpsuite pro on Arch Linux and find whenever running an audit it will crash. Here is the output the terminal gives whenever the event occurs: ❯ BurpSuitePro ./BurpSuitePro OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM...
I have a curious bug with using Burp API in extensions - particularly when creating custom issues using "Add & Track Custom Issues" extension. When I create the issue - and copy & paste the response starting with HTTP/2,...
I Only changed a character,but the content-length changed a lot(about 300)
Hi, I am currently using the private Burp Collaborator and ran into a non RFC1034 conform behavior of the dns server when using a custom CNAME-Record[1]. My custom DNS config snippet: "customDnsRecords": [ { ...
Unable to start browser: /var/lib/BurpSuiteEnterpriseEdition/burpbrowser/95.0.4638.54/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: libatk-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Do I need to...
Hi, Burp Active Scanner in 'normal' mode misses trivial Postgresql SQL Injection such as the following: https://www.example.com/x?a=10;SELECT+PG_SLEEP(5)+-- Changing the 'scan speed' option to 'thorough' and the...
Hi, i can't access the labs, when i click " access the lab", it responded "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" but when i use VPN to access labs, it's oke, can you help me ? Thank you, i'll wait for your answer.
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