Burp Suite User Forum
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It looks like the apostrophe in my username stops Python extensions from working, below is the error message when trying to enable an extension - Is there a way to change the bapps directory? SyntaxError: ("no viable...
Hi I registered on the site and decided to go through the sql lab. An invalid request error has occurred.
when i copy and paste my manual activation it seem not to work have tried it several times
I am not sure this is a bug or not. I was scanning a client's web app/url that has logging in with credentials plus captcha. I had manually spidered the site for this reason, using credentials and manual captcha...
It seems that this lab solution is not working. tested the solution on chromium/chrome and firefox. chrome Version 94.0.4606.61 (Official Build) (64-bit) firefox 94.0b8 (64-bit)
Hi Team, Whenever I'm creating multiple burp window for ex: open multiple intruder after that if I'm closing those windows it creats a blank screen and in macbook if the burp is running on full screen.
Hi people, There seems to be a problem with the cache key injection lab when it comes down to reflecting alert(1). When the lab is solved, there is no alert pop-up and the /js/localize.js file fetched by the login...
Issue: Edge case when HTTPS just doesn't work on some particular websites while working on 99% of others. The issue only appears when using burp as a proxy. Just accessing the website normally with proxy turned off works....
Automatic GPU Switch Flag is missing from the plist file. <key>NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching</key> <true/> This resolves the issue.
Lab URL: https://portswigger.net/web-security/authentication/other-mechanisms/lab-offline-password-cracking Hi. The automated victim does not seem to ever visit the blog pages for me, as I don't get any hits in the access...
I'm new to Burp Suite, so I may just not know how to do this, but it appears that my HTTP Request to establish a Websocket is missing the Authentication header. I'm using the Platform Authentication option, which seems to...
I have been trying to download the Community Version of Burp Suite, but upon clicking download I have no download notification or any progress showing a download. There is no solution that I can find as of yet. Please...
Hey Guys, Me and a few guys in work are all experiencing this same issue with Burpsuite. In the Proxy/Repeater panes, any short cuts that require CTRL do not work. However, CTRL+X,C and V all continue to work in search...
Hello When I was trying to scan one application with Burpsuite enterprise, one of the agents used 70GB of space only for one scan(1 agent). It is a lot higher than the regular requirements that you specified on your web...
My Burp collaborator could not use now. When I view the Dashboard, it reveals that "failed to connect to the configured collaborator server" And as I use Burp Collaborator Client, It reveals that In Dashboard Type ...
Hi Team, We could see recently procured invoices are missing in the PortSwigger console. Please fix the bug and even please we need urgent of these invoices. 1. PLAYBOOKUX UX TESTING NEW YORK NY MCC:5734 -...
https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/desktop/functions/url-matching#advanced-scope-control states: > File - This specifies the file portion of the URL that the rule will match (ignoring any query...
Hello! I have faced with problems with the exam. The main thing that I understood is that after password verification I can’t start exam. So I finish the verification process with the proctor, but after that there are no...
When Try to upload license key its getting popup There was a problem checking your license
Hi there, When I try to upgrade from 2021_8_3 to 2021_8_4 via the in-app upgrade button (where it asks you to restart), it fails silently. When I download the installer and try to reinstall from the command line I get...
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