Burp Suite User Forum
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Steps to reproduce: 1 - Open burpsuite pro 2 - Click "Choose file" to select a project file 3 - Burpsuite starts in the "C:\Users\REDACTED\Documents\BurpSuite Projects\PersonalProject" folder 4 - Press the "go one folder...
hi team, i downloaded and installed burpsuite enterprise, when i enter my username password it says "The username or password you entered is incorrect." It gives the following error even though I entered it correctly. yes...
CSRF token is simply duplicated in a cookie. athough i completed this lab successfully by changing email using csrf vulnerability. It doesnot show completed
When I open any website I get the unknown host error. For ex, visiting google.com shows Error Unknown host: www.google.com. The error occurs in all browsers, I used the pre-configured browser in burp and firefox and I'm...
Hello - Currently running Burp Pro (v2022.8-14951) on kali 2021 as root with "Allow Burps Browser to run without sandbox" checked (project options >> Misc >> Burps Browser). This opens and works for manual testing just...
To learn how to do the lab, I clicked on Community solutions and watched the video https://youtu.be/DqhZ9cDfEBw there (solution video) I applied everything there correctly, but there is a problem because of me, I click on...
Hi, I'm currently a trial user of Burp Suite Professional. I just notice that sometimes the audit/scan stops for some reason. Is this due to trial limitations? or any? It happens to me around 3 times, when scanning...
In the dropdown menu, when I hover over an item that expands (such as "Engagement tools"), it doesn't expand and doesn't show the items that are part of it.
Hi. After starting the lab and going thru reg process have received email in email client with temp token. Have gone then to login however credentials provided in reg form do not work.
I have this recurring bug, thankfully not often, that after closing and reopening a big heavy project all the extensions are unloaded from burp. I must then re-load all extensions manually. So far it only happened around 3...
Hello, Burp Suite Professional 2022.7.1 While accessing the Burp Rest API, getting HTTP 400: {"type":"ClientError","error":"Task ID not found"}. We cross-checked in...
After the 2fa simple bypass experiment is solved, I want to do the experiment again. There is no client button
I paid for my license but i did not received
Hey I am on MacOs Monterey 12.5 trying to run Burp pro. I am having a problem with Burpsuite Pro starting. Basically it's stuck at the start screen spinning. It stopped working after I applied the IOS...
Hi, While testing through Burp's native browser, the HTTP responses that I see are mangled. Here is an example of the "text" that I see in Burp's...
On academy labs i do not get response from server. "This site can’t be reached" Every few minutes today.
Hi, yesterday I tried to take the certification exam but there was an error generating the Examity password, which apparently is a recurring issue. I had to contact Examity's support because it showed the exam had already...
When using client authentication with a smart card, Burp Suite currently only sends the client certificate to the server. So a server, which needs the whole certificate chain, cannot verify the certificate. This is the case...
Hello, an error occurred when I clicked on the "Access the lab" button. Thank you for your efforts!
This lab isn`t sending me any cookie session besides mine. And if I send the lab link to someone else, it sends their cookie session.
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