Burp Suite User Forum
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An error occurred. We apologise for the inconvenience. I've been dealing with this bug for a few days now that won't let me finish completing the labs.
While trying to work on the exercise labs several would not spawn and return Error. This is one example of a lab that will not spin up. ...
I am currently not able to start labs properly, i get the result: An error occurred. We apologise for the inconvenience. After multiple tries, the Lab: Blind SQL injection with out-of-band interaction finally...
I have tried to use several browsers to audit the platform but I always run into the same problem. In case the browser proxy is configured to work with Burp the application does not behave as expected. For example for the...
Hello First of all congrat, your learning program is fantastic. I like it so much. :) I have a little problem. I learn the time delay sql injection, and on my installed burp siute something is wrong. I dont have coloums...
Hello, There used to be an indicator which target URLs are in scope, in the site map. But There is no visible indicator anymore in the latest version v2022.6.1. Can you please bring that back? I can't rightclick dozens of...
Portswigger SQL Injection Labs are down. I get an error page. Are you performing updates?
Hi, its been almost two days now that I am not able to access any of the labs at port swigger. Its shows and error message always. Kindly look into this matter.
Hi I have been unable to complete the labs in Server Side Template Injection topic on the Academy learning path as the injections are no longer working. For instance, in the lab 'Basic server-side template injection (code...
Burp giving me a not valid certificate for some reason my browser starts screaming at me for that and not letting me on the website I tried changing the date and time on windows but then widows start throwing me errors and...
Trying to download burp suite, and can't even get the installer to run ┌──(root㉿kali-raspberry-pi)-[~/Downloads] └─# sudo ./burpsuite_community_linux_v2022_7.sh Unpacking JRE ... Starting Installer...
Hello, The Hash dropdown in Decoder doesn't show the actual Hash names, but only random numbers. Version: v2022.6.1 I have the exact same issue in community edition 2022.6.1.
Hi, I have a problem with Burp Suite, I want to use it on navigator (with the certificate) but whatever I do, the page doesn't load. So I tried the default chromium from Burp but still doesn't work. Please help me, I...
So recently I've been getting a lot of corrupt Burp project files, basically the last maybe couple of releases with the Plain Java version on macOS. It is causing a lot of disruption as it is loosing a lot of testing data...
Hello, I'm having an issue with the scan functionality on Burp Suite Professional v2020.2.1. The same exact request works with no issues on one of the earlier versions of Burp Suite Professional's scanner, v1.7.37. This...
Hello Support Team on the lab "Basic clickjacking with CSRF token protection" the user name and password "wiener:peter" does not work what should i do??
Lab: DOM XSS in document.write sink using source location.search inside a select element. In this lab the inspect (Q) is not working means, the storedID where mentioned and selected after putting the string in...
BurpSuite Enterprise has been intermittently, about 4 times a day, sending out a email notification of an error/warning which I can't figure out by looking at the logs why? I can't find anything in the forums and any help...
I think that the solution of this lab is wrong in item number 4 [Notice that the file_exists() filesystem method is called on the lockFilePath attribute]. In my opinion, its chain will implement the following flow:...
Hi, so first i checked out how the normal request is send when we are about to change the users email and i found out that the given email parameter value is URL encoded (@=%40). POST /my-account/change-email...
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