Burp Suite User Forum
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Hello, I use Burp Suite Pro 2022.8.4 to intercept MQTT over Websocket. Broker sends "restart" command, the client sends "reply" and closes the connection. Burp often fails to intercept and relay that "reply" message. I...
What I tried to do: On a Repeater request over HTTP2, replace the content of the :path header ( "/example" ) with a full url ( "https://www.google.com/example" ) What I expected to happen: A successful update of the...
I had a crawl & audit scan running, that after some time seems to have gotten stuck issuing thousands of identical requests to a single path on the server. The site requires authentication for all access, and I'm using a...
I have installed BurpSuite community edition v2022.6.1 on arch linux with dwm-6.2 everything works fine, except the Intruder attack page which doesn't work anymore, no matter what type of attack I choose and regardless of...
Showing "https://portswigger.net/error" page for after clicking academy in home nav tab
hello i have asked for labs reset recently, but now after i solved the labs the progress is not updating, still showing 0
Hi, I am currently working on your Academy labs and since ~ 1 hour the "solved" lab status cannot be saved in my progress. The lab itself says "solved", but in the Lab overview and "track your progress" there is no...
Hello, I've solved the "User ID controlled by request parameter with data leakage in redirect" several times now, but my account status does not get updated. Neither the lab list page nor the lab description page shows...
I am trying to access the lab but having an error. Apologies, the lab could not be started in a timely manner. Please try again or contact us if the problem persists. I've tried using different browser and cleared...
the submit solution box on this lab does not work any longer, i can see it used to as some people have completed every lab and would have had to have entered the secret key from the dejango system secret key document, but it...
I am running burpsuite on a VM, and it returns an unknown libva error.
Hello! Today to my chagrine I discovered that Burp Intruder refuses to launch an attack against a host ending in .0, complaining "Invalid target". While this would be the case if it was your run-of-the-mill /24, I'm on a...
Hi, I believe I have found a bug in Burp that leads to the wrong collaborator server being used under certain circumstances. I am using Burp Suite Professional v2022.8.4 with openjdk version "11.0.16" 2022-07-19 on...
I just performed the upgrade to version 8.4 and while it seems that the application starts up, no dashboard/windows are opened. Process list shows Burp running. Need some assistance figuring out what's the issue. So far,...
https://forum.portswigger.net/thread/i-am-unable-to-open-any-https-website-after-updating-to-v2021-8-e9b8b3ac Nothing works for me, It worked for other people but not for me. U using v2022.8.4
The level can be completed by uploading a webshell as a .phtml file. This does not seem to be the intended solution based on the hint and the given solution.
Hello! I am using iOS 15.6.1 and using the knowlege base article, I cannot route traffic into burp. I also cannot reach the http://burp or burpsuite or I checked the wifi settings on my phone and when I...
Hi, I've been using Burp Suite Pro whithout issue for a few months and just tried to launch Burp Suite Pro (on Windows) but instead of the usual launch sequence, it began an update and then the error: No JVM could be...
Every site returns "Not Found" doesn't matter if intercept is on or off. Is there any way to fix this?
The new version published today will not accept my existing valid license. I've tried re-downloading the valid license but I'm getting the same behavior. The error displayed is "The supplied license key was not...
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