Burp Suite User Forum
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Hello, In my current engagement I am experiencing a display corruption issue in the Response window, both in "Raw" and in "HTML". The render tab actually seems to work well. I have the feeling it is some sort of encoding...
Cross-domain script include issues are useful, however they ignore whether the site uses subresource integrity (SRI) attributes. If so, the part that says "trusting the domain's own security to prevent an attacker from...
Launching Burp using Kali Linux the first through command line and the application started. However got an error when creating a new project. See error below: root@kali:/home/trusteadmin/Downloads# java -jar -Xmx2G...
Hi, First off, thanks for the new project functionality. Really love it. I'm using Burp Suite Professional v1.7.03. When I try to save the Target | Site map filter settings (e.g. Filter by request type: Show only...
Hi, I'm using Burp Suite Professional v1.7.03. When using a session with more than 1000 requests in the HTTP history window and sorting on the order (#, first column), the order is wrong: Request 1200 is ordered lower than...
I often use burp in my work. When I needed to investigate my log files, I found some connection is not included the log files. Regarding the log files, what are the communication does not remain in the log? If there is...
Hi, I am using Burp v1.7.03 and it appears burp is not capturing the redirection requests from a 302 (found) contained in a response; were the HTTP header field contains a valid ‘Location: https://xxxx.xxxx.com’ value. I...
I am using Burp v1.7.03 and I am seeing in the alerts tab Javax.net.ssl SSLException Bad_record_mac errors I am using a windows system with java version "1.8.0_77" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build...
Hi, I'm using Burp Suite Professional v1.7.03. When resuming a saved *project* (those files get big!), it seems like the numbering of Repeater tabs is off. When you have e.g. 50 tabs open, it resumes with say 45, so there...
Burp Team, here is what's going on. I've just downloaded the Burp Suite Professional v1.7.03. When running it, a new window related to the new "project" feature opens. Whatever i select there, a temporary project,...
Hello, I am not able to run burpsuite pro 1.7.03 at my Linux machine. It crashes after I choose to create a new project and choosing "Use Burp Defaults" and pressing "Start Burp". This is my java version: # java...
I'm seeing behavior from the active scan check for "X-Forwarded-For dependent response" that changes the effect of the request and seems likely to produce false positives. When the scanner sends the request with the...
This affects both project and user JSON config files. At minimum, documentation warning of this would be good. Better yet, add an option to encrypt or not include them, like the save state file wizard has. If that's too much...
With version 1.7.03, using a temporary project or an existing project,then selecting a saved configuration file doesn't load the configuration setting from that file. Specifically the upstream and SOCKS proxy settings always...
Hola, I've just set up a new install of Windows 8.1 64-bit (fully patched) with the latest (AFAIK) versions of Java and Burpsuite (running as "java -jar -Xmx4096m burpsuite_pro_v1.6.14.jar" from a command prompt with...
I am Using Pro version of Burp Suite, I am unable to put check on Proxy Listeners. Please fix this issue.
I have a URL which is indicating a CSRF issue. When I attempt to select the URL and perform an active scan of the branch, I receive the following messages from the command window: D:\Tools>java -jar -Xmx2G...
Burp in version 1.7.02beta hangs indefinitely on an attempt to save a state in the existing file (overwrite). The whole UI starts to behave erratically and burp cannot be exited otherwise than being killed.
Using BurpSuite Pro 1.6.39. Scanner found an XSS and gave it "Informational" severity, so I read the "Issue Detail" a little more closely than usual (because why "informational"?) The Detail contains two nearly identical...
Hi I'm not able to create a new project when I specify that the location of the project file is within a shared folder on a Kali VM on Virtualbox. Specifying another 'local', location the creation of the project file...
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