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GUI hanging on Windows 8.1 64-bit?

Stephen | Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 11:03AM UTC

Hola, I've just set up a new install of Windows 8.1 64-bit (fully patched) with the latest (AFAIK) versions of Java and Burpsuite (running as "java -jar -Xmx4096m burpsuite_pro_v1.6.14.jar" from a command prompt with admin privs). I'm getting GUI hangs within Burp. It still appears to actually be passing traffic - but the GUI is completely non-responsive. I can browse to http://burp/ - but the Proxy Log is showing as completely empty. No errors reported by Java at the command-line. Task Manager shows Java/Burp is using 0% CPU/disk/network and only holding a few hundred MB of memory. In each instance that it's happened (which is every time I've tried running it) - I was running content discovery and that window hung first (i.e. the content discovery window was non-responsive, but I could still interact with the main Burp GUI) and then a short while later the main Burp GUI also became non-responsive. I'm probably doing something stupid - but I'll be damned if I can work out what. Are other people successfully using 64-bit Windows 8 / Java / Burp? Anyone got any sensible advice? (like "go to the pub"? ;-D) Cheers, Steve.

Burp User | Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 09:34AM UTC

A clean re-install of Java didn't seem to make any difference. Having finally gone to the pub and got some proper "thinking time" in, it occurred to me to try throttling back the amount of work Burp was doing. So, I've set the "Number of discovery threads" and "Number of spider threads" in the Discovery Engine settings from 4 and 2 to 1 in both cases. It now seems to be running OK - it's about 70,000 requests further than it has managed to get before and it hasn't locked up yet (although there are still a *lot* of tasks/requests queued up)...

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 08:03AM UTC

Thanks for this report. It's possible this is a bug in the content discovery function, if that seems to correlate with the lockups. We'll try to reproduce this problem and let you know if we need any further information.

Liam, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 05:24PM UTC

Hi Larry Thanks for your message. Are you using Oracle Java?

Burp User | Last updated: May 25, 2016 05:03PM UTC