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cross site scripting issue detail (typo)

BB | Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 03:13PM UTC

Using BurpSuite Pro 1.6.39. Scanner found an XSS and gave it "Informational" severity, so I read the "Issue Detail" a little more closely than usual (because why "informational"?) The Detail contains two nearly identical paragraphs next to each other. Maybe give this a quick copy-edit: The request uses a Content-type header which it is not possible to generate using a standard HTML form. Burp attempted to replace this header with a standard value, to facilitate cross-domain delivery of an exploit, but this does not appear to be possible. The original request used a Content-type header which it is not possible to generate using a standard HTML form. It was possible to replace this header with a standard value, to facilitate cross-domain delivery of an exploit.

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 08:52AM UTC

Thanks for this report. It looks like this is actually a bug in the scan check logic, as it is saying two inconsistent things in the issue detail. We'll investigate why this is happening and get it fixed.

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 12, 2016 02:40PM UTC