Burp Suite User Forum
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bellow is response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: openresty Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 04:28:37 GMT Content-Type: text/html Connection: keep-alive Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.11 Content-Length:...
Stood up a private collab server and everything seems to be running as expected. Looking at the polling server on 9443 however I get a cert error warning. Same cert is used for 443 and there's no warning. Not sure if I...
If a payload is quite long (when using, for example, the Bit Flipper payload on a long session token), it's truncated in the displayed results grid when the column is expanded. This isn't great, but it's livable if the whole...
Burp Scanner does not recognize Open Redirect: When checking the raw scanner requests/responses with Logger++ I spotted the following Open Redirect situation that was not recognized/reported by the...
I am using Burp Suite Pro 1.7.06 with Java version 1.8.0_102 on Windows 10. I am able to open saved attacks via the "Intruder" > "Open Saved Attack" menu, but when I then select "Attack" > "Repeat" in the resulting pop-up...
Hi, I am using Burp on a Mac Book Pro (End 2013, 16 GB Ram) latest version (1.7.05). Burp has come to a point, that I can hardly use it for my day to day work: When doing an application test with Burp and Firefox (most...
Hi, I'm not sure that this phenomenon is a bug or is an intentional "feature" and I've searched support and the community, but... I set up a series of rather heavy-handed filters, using "Match and Replace" - 4 to be...
I am trying to send different payloads with Burp repeater, but found some characters to result in unwanted behavior of the repeater functionality. Details: I am sending the following character as a repeater payload...
OS: Kali Linux 2.0 Software versions installed: jython 2.7.0 Burpsuite 1.7.04 Java 1.7.0_79 SQLiPy 0.5.0 Issue: When trying to use the SQLmap plugin for Burpsuite with the above installations the "start" button...
Hello, I try to import project options in "wizard" when burp is starting, but I can't. I always get message "Not a valid Burp file". But when I open Burp and click on menu and import again file - then this file is...
I was working on a burp project the past 24 hours and today my computer crashed. When I went to load the project again after recovering my machine I am now getting an error. Failed to create Burp project:...
I have loaded Jython and SQLiPy, but when I try to copy a request from the Proxy using the SQLiPy Scan menu, I get a RuntimeException. Does anybody know what causes this? Note that sqlmapapi.py is running, and everything...
Every time I restore my state file I have to go to User Options->Misc and choose my preferences again.
Burpsuite crashes when using New Project on Disk feature on Kali 2016 Rolling release: Here is a dump of the crash. root@kali:~# java -jar -Xmx4G /usr/bin/burpsuite_pro_v1.7.04.jar Opens burp menu. When selecting...
Using Burpsuite Professional v1.7.03. Java version 1.8.0_91 Operating system 4.5.0-kali1-amd64 (virtual) Have previously used Burpsuite Free version. This has not been removed. Opened Burpsuite Professional for...
This has happened a few times recently and has just struck again. Testing a website without burp in the path - website loads and operates just fine. Insert burp in path with settings set to defaults - website never...
Apologize for the double post. I saw someone with a similar issue and posted on that, but I'm not sure if that was the proper way to do this or if I should start a new thread. Please correct me where I'm wrong and delete any...
There have been some quite irritating UI bugs that have appeared in the past couple of releases... The Interception panel does not get automatically updated, the intercepted request pane is only displayed after clicking...
Burp scanner reports that certain pages have a "Cacheable HTTPS Response". However, upon closer inspection it appears that these items are POST requests and the issue is reported because caching headers are missing rather...
Hi, after editing a single HTTP POST request in the macro editor, the form cannot be closed any more. The only way to get back to the main window is to kill the process and restart Burp. Sebastian
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