Burp Suite User Forum
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When creating a new scan with an API key: POST<key>/v0.1/scan ... It is not possible to retreive the task without the API key if the 'Allow access without API key' option is checked GET...
Hi, Just started testing the new beta and I really like the new dashboard look. I am running it on a fully updated OSX with fully updated JAVA. Everything seems to work fine (although slow, and I will add another bug...
Iv'e tried to Edit the Session Handling Rule to include Spider in Scope, but without success. Every time I check it and press OK, it disappears. Since my app has a complex session management, I'd like my own session rule...
After working on any project and closing burp, when burp is reopened, you are always prompted with the "Delete old temporary files" popup. The only time I saw this on v1 is when burp crashed, which leads me to believe...
Burp Version: 1.6.36 Log files created and saved with same version - 1.6.39 File size: 20,895 KB Restore Duration: Stopped the restore after 1.5 hours with only 60% completed. Restoring a previously saved log takes a...
Burp Suite Community Edition: FireFox 61.0.2 (64bit) Chrome : Versión 68.0.3440.106 (Build oficial) (64 bits) Antivirus : Off Firewall: Off Windows 7 64bits I followed the instructions to setup Burp...
When browsing sites in a browser with the proxy active, only the first request after a restart is added to the sitemap. No subsequent paths are added until burp is restarted On the first page load after restarting...
Process: JavaApplicationStub [1264] Path: /Applications/Burp Suite Professional.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub Identifier: com.install4j.7318-9294-3757-1226.70 Version: ...
Process: JavaApplicationStub [1264] Path: /Applications/Burp Suite Professional.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub Identifier: com.install4j.7318-9294-3757-1226.70 Version: ...
Burp Pro 2.0beta (also tried in 1.7.36 and 37) but same error; Traceback (most recent call last): at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(PyTableCode.java:167) at org.python.core.PyCode.call(PyCode.java:18) at...
I've encountered this issue with two different virtual machines. One that I imported from VMWare and one I spun up from scratch. It appears that the graphics interaction for the JRE packaged with Burp Pro. The default...
I've noticed that when using Burp with a very large project file (150552+ requests), the applications being sent through Burp are very slow. I usually do -Xmx2g. Any ways to overcome this?
Hi all, First, I am supper hyped about the upcoming big new release of Burp. Following the #MoBP and enjoying the buildup... :-) I know you all are quite busy now but hopefully someone can shed a light on issue I am...
Some scan queue keep "waiting to cancel" status, even restart Burp Pro: After I try to cancel some scan tasks in queue, there remains 20+ tasks in "waiting to cancel" status, and it will occupy scan threads, but those tasks...
I am developing burp extensions using JRuby. My code needs to use some ruby libs (require 'uri', require 'json', etc), but when I try to load my plugin in Burp's extension tab, the following error was thrown: LoadError: no...
Hi, This is the first time I noticed it, but when I have a Repeater request with file upload, and the file contains NULL characters, and I want to copy the whole request, it fails on the first NULL character. Is there a...
HI Team, I wrote a burp Extension here(https://github.com/bit4woo/u2c), I found a bug when I use it. the purpose of this extension is to convert Unicode to Chinese. I don't want to change the original response , just...
In the latest 1.7.35 version, the macro (Project Options > Sessions > Macros) is not working properly. When creating, or editing (and clicking the Record Macro button) a macro, the macro recorder window does not show up...
Hello, After updating to burpsuite community v1.7.35, I can't get content of both request & response. The headers are displayed, but both "Raw" and "HTML" are blank in the request & response windows. The render tab is...
I am trying to capture the requests to a website in Burp. The request and response do get captured but I am not able to see the contents of the request even though Burp is capturing them both. The intercept is working fine...
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