Burp Suite User Forum
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I'm trying out Burp EE 1.0.04Beta. I've configured a few sites, each containing different user logins for them. However, each time I click on a different site (or even Scans, or Agents, or any other button of Burp EE), I'm...
The crawler does not find the resources defined in the following code: ``` <td> <input name="action_11" type="button" value="view" onclick="window.location='/mail/view/11'" /> <input name="action_11"...
The captured request show as a scrambled text if the request object is huge. Is there anything I can do to unscramble it or get it to display correctly
I'm constantly seeing the error "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect" in my Alerts tab for all the domains that I'm testing and I have no clue what's the root cause. Tried to google this error specific for...
Choosing Burp > Exit > yes does not close burp suite in on macOS. This forces the user to close via right clicking on the dock icon and choosing quit, which does not exit cleanly. burp version: 2.0.01 macOS version:...
Using Burp Suite CE 1.7.36. Pointing my Android Emulator to use the Burp Proxy running on my localhost. I get the following errors in both Chrome and the Android System WebView. I get them inconsistently, but regularly,...
Hi, I'm having an odd situation. I get a socket exception when attempting to perform many, but not all, audits on https sites. These audits work with http(although are immediately redirected to the secure version so...
Hello, I am incurring an issue with the v2.0.04 beta .jar version in Kali (latest, 2018.3). The error incurred is "Message:Environment Not Supported by embedded browser". I have done little to this Kali build other...
The server URL in the email settings may or may not have a trailing slash but when a welcome link is sent, the trailing slash will result in an extra slash at the end of the host name in the welcome URL and this prevents...
I was trying out the new crawl and audit features on BodgeIt (https://github.com/psiinon/bodgeit). I downloaded the WAR and ran it on Tomcat on port 8081. So BodgeIt is at http://localhost:8081/bodgeit/ I started...
The session handling rules and cookie jar still reference spider even though the Spider was merged into the Scanner. Project Options -> Session Handling Rules -> Add -> Scope -> Spider Project Options -> Cookie Jar ->...
After receiving a JDBC URL and credentials that appear passing a connection test, the installer proceeds to creating a database. This fails with a non-descript message. The installer log file has a liquibase error that...
Burp on MacOS Steps to reproduce: 1. Add a new Task (e.g. new scan) 2. Maximize the task, it will be displayed in its own window 3. Switch back to main window's dashboard, press the delete button of the task 4....
Hi Team, I set up an application for crawling (Spider) multiple times but each and every time burpsuite gets shutdown after few minutes of crawling. An application contain is huge which contain around 2 lakh+ pages....
Hi, I have downloaded Enterprise edition and completed the installation successfully on my mac book by running the .dmg file. I am now attempting to launch the application to add key but Prod edition is being launched...
';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//--></SCRIPT>">' <DIV STYLE="width:...
I created a new scan through the new REST API and then checked the status after the scan was complete. The task in the dashboard says 'Finished' with eight requests and eight errors but the REST API returns 'auditing' for...
On the root \ (and all other) HTTP responses I have following code: <noscript><meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0; URL=/no-javascript"></noscript> With Burp 1.x it was sufficient to disable Project -> Meta refresh tag....
I installed burpsuite_pro_linux_v2_0_04beta.sh and it crashes shortly after the config selection window during startup. It crashes every time. Previous versions haven't been crashing. When running it via command line, I'm...
Hi, In Burp Suite Pro v2.0.03beta if I edit a currently running Live scan's configuration, when I save it, a new Live audit appears in the task list and now any request I make goes to both running tasks, thereby...
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