Burp Suite User Forum
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Using Elementary OS Juno with java 1.8 jdk and with gpu drivers already installed (bumblebee beacuse of nvidia) , gives a minimized GUI context compered to others windows and GUI of other softwares... Look at screenshot...
In Static members: In action "Backup agent.config file [Run script]" (screen "Installation location"), property "Script": java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 10: ${compiler:release.version} ...
One of the constant frustrations when using Burp is the near total lack of keyboard accessibility when it comes to interacting with dialog controls; modal dialogs in particular. Forcing the use of the mouse greatly...
I got the following error somewhere in or after the "Initializing database" phase of the 1.0.06 beta enterprise installer that uninstalled the existing version and proceeded to install itself in the same folder. We have...
Hi Burp, First of all, thank you for introducing a dark theme to the burp suite, this is awesome ! :) I directly started to use it, and I noticed a little bug: In the Dashboard tab, when looking into the details of an...
The following issue seems only applicable on OS X. When pasting 'a' characters in the repeater by holding down the 'a'-key on the keyboard, burp starts to fail. No more characters can be inserted in the repeater request...
“burpsuite_pro_macos_v1_7_37.dmg” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash. Is burp suite compatible with Mojave?
The cookie jar does not appear to update with cookies received during active scans. The project options were configured to update the cookie jar from both the proxy and scanner. The proxy was working as expected, however...
After starting my Burp Pro in the last step of the wizard after selecting "Use Burp defaults" I'm getting the error below. Failed to create a Burp project: HOUR_OF_DAY: 0 -> 1 I'm totally blocked and I cannot open or...
I've noticed missing cert when I got redirected to http://releases.portswigger.net/2018/10/professional-2009beta.html after downloading new release. Do you really intentionally show people checksums of downloads from http...
Was somewhat perplexed, when I cut and pasted a Referer header cotent (which was highlighted as modified) from "Comparer" to "Repeater" the request failed as malformed (when the request worked before the cut and paste and...
Refer to issue https://github.com/requests/requests/issues/4817
Hi guys, I use burp professional and moved to the Java 8 build of AdopOpenJDK (jdk8u172-b11). But I can't activate my Burp license. The error message is "Activation Failed", "A communications error occurred. Please review...
When I start to use this Burp. My Computer gets crash immediately. I hope it's Fix in next update. https://www.inspiresayan.com/siteground-hosting-review-coupon-code.html
Yesterday I had version v2.0.07beta and I put in user options, ssl a client certificate with password ( pfx with p12 extension name ). I was able to test using this setup, this morning I updated to 2.0.08beta and it did not...
1.7.37 was released in August http://releases.portswigger.net/2018/08/1737.html But it is not available in download page: https://portswigger.net/burp/communitydownload Was it withdrawn?
Suddenly it does not start, neither 1.7 version nor 2. version neither with dmg nor with java -jar kinomakino:Downloads kinomakino$ java -jar...
Hi there! I was trying to crawl a web site which uses NTLM auth. I even setup a Platform Auth credentials (User Options -> Connections -> Platform Authentication) as I'm aware that at the moment that's the only way to do it...
I have one application I ran spider on twice after setting the scope to the application's top level URL. However the number of 'requests' and 'bytes transferred' are different across two spider runs. The application is same...
Hi Team, The application URL is visible in the "HTTP history" tab but not in the "Target" tab in the latest Burp Suite 2.0.6 Beta version.
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