Burp Suite User Forum
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I opened yesterday's Burp project to resume my test, and the Repeater tab is empty. Yesterday, it had several requests & responses I'd been working on. This is reliably recreate-able in Burp Suite Pro 2020.9.1 on Windows...
Turbo intruder adding a subset of integers if your .txt dictionary list begins with an integer value. This results in the file path designated into the script to become incorrect and will not run properly. For example...
Hi, i have a recurrent issue with burp scanner where the scanner makes around 200 requests then stops. it is not paused, it simply stops sending requests. Sometimes after closing and reopening burp the scanner resumes...
I'm trying to do an XSS vulnerability scan on a particular site that requires a captcha before submitting the form. The problem is I get the error seen above and I need some help fixing it. Any ideas?
When sending a request that gets automodified, switching to the automodified response dropdown in proxy history shows the modified response correctly. If you then click on another request that hasn't has its response...
Hi, I'm attempting to automate Burp licensing and run Burp with the REST API in headless mode via a Docker container. This is how I'm invoking Burp: "java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar scanners/burp/burpsuite_pro.jar...
Hello, is it some bandwith trouble with web academy server? Can't do lab because of very slow response from site.
Hi, I'm having issues with most labs on web cache poisoning. Basically, as I add the X-Forwarded-Host header, inevitably I get the 504 Gateway timeout error. I have checked the solution of Michael Sommer on youtube to...
I noted a bug in the request smuggling vulnerability claims. Two requests are quoted, one with a request and a response. The second is provided with a request and no response. The second lacks the two CRLF's required to...
Burp Suite Profesional v2020.8.1 Steps to reproduce: 1. Start Burp Suite Pro 2. Launch new scan in the GUI 3. Poll scan status with HTTP GET$taskID --> Scan status poll fails with HTTP...
I'm having an issue when I try to proxy chain to Fiddler in a corporate environment. I had previously used Fiddler to handle PAC rules to authenticate to outbound web proxy server (NTLM) for external assets and direct...
Hello team Burp get hanged when Using request smuggling extension Here is the youtube video https://youtu.be/V3IHU8MDTQA
Hi, I don't know whether this is a known limitation or a bug, but when I use the "Send to Decoder" function in the proxy history, the data sent to the Decoder gets truncated to 10.000 characters. I found out, when I tried...
The given solution ends with a # for comment but this doesn't seem to work. A double dash followed by a space (URL encoded ofc) works fine.
Hello, I try run burpsuite_community_v2020.9.1.jar on PinebookPro using this command sudo java -jar burpsuite_community_v2020.9.1.jar it start to loading but immediately i get some exeception and it crashed there...
After installing the new version of Burp Pro, it no longer finds the login page when scanning our site. I have added the appropriate credential and made sure the login page has the required attributes and criteria to...
Please help after installation of burp, it says our downloaded license is invalid, contact support. It was working 1 week before on our previous installation.
when trying to login using the captured victim cookie it doesn't show SOLVED lab and stuck in "Invalid CSRF: token" message, even i have tried to insert "Cookie: victim-fingerprint=xxxx; session=xxxx; secret=xxxx" in the...
The scanner times out when going through socks proxy with NTLM auth. This issue is not present in burp 2020.5. The problem was found in all versions above 2020.5
In Burp 2020.9 and 2020.9.1, Scanner times out when going through an upstream proxy with NTLM auth. 2020.2 is not having this issue.
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