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"Send to Decoder" 10K limit - bug or known limitation?

Jens | Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 08:32AM UTC

Hi, I don't know whether this is a known limitation or a bug, but when I use the "Send to Decoder" function in the proxy history, the data sent to the Decoder gets truncated to 10.000 characters. I found out, when I tried to send a json string of more than 50K characters to the Decoder, and only the first 10K ended up in the Decoder. Copy/paste works, but that sort of defeats the nifty send-to feature. I am running Burp Suite Professional v2020.9.1 on Win 10 Enterprise 64bit 10.0.18363.1082. It has been installed using the Burp installer and is using the bundled jre. / Jens

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 08:50AM UTC

Hi Jens, Thanks for reporting this. Our development team is already aware of this and it is part of a limitation with Java. We are working on a new feature that will address this.

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