Burp Suite User Forum
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Team, I have generated self signed PKCS 12 certificate and uploaded it onto the Burp enterprise webserver using the GUI. However, when I invoke the scan using the CI driver, I receive the following error...
Hello, I have set to scanner "concurrent request limit" to 1. However scanner doesn't respect that. I tried many things and restarts. Only 1 time it was in effect. All the other times no.
My Burp Pro 1.7 generates some temporary files when running, and it will clean up these files on exit. Burp Pro 2.0 beta does not properly handle these on exit; every time I start Burp 2.0 it says there is temp file left...
Taken from: http://forum.portswigger.net/thread/1668/burp-creates-temp-folders-wrong because the problem still exists with: Java 7 x64 on Windows 7 x64 Pro ------------------------------------------- Hi Burp...
BurpSuite: v2.0.05beta OS: macos 10.13.6 Working in session, forward a GET request to Repeater, tried to edit a parameter from Raw Request pane, delete the existing param value, try to insert new value. The whole UI just...
When using the Darcula theme, the background color is Intruder is #3C3F31 for both normal text and insertion points, thus they're practically invisible, you have to hunt for '§' characters manually. See this screenshot...
As stated above. Why is Burp Suite Professional requesting access to my MacBook Air camera? Pic here - https://imgur.com/a/TJ6ELDN
I think I spotted a bug on burp 2.x which wasn't there on the previous branch. It might be reproductible with the following steps (hopefully): - Setup a scope - Burp ask if you want to "limit item sent to proxy history...
Burp (both v1 and v2) thinks this is JSON: https://www.docusign.net/Signing/StyleSheets/Framework.css
Hi , After I have updated my kali box (vps) to last release , bu apt-get distro-upgrade ... after that when I have try to create project at the last step show me this error : failed to create Burp project:...
Hi, I was sending UPnP SOAP actions using repeater to a Linksys router and the 500 Internal Server error would not show up as a response; however, I could see the response using Wireshark. I'm using...
I'm currently running a scan on Burp Suite Professional v2.0.13beta and all available memory (2.99GB) is being used up by the scan. I've even throttled the scan down to 2 consecutive threads only and the memory is still...
Hi Support, I'm unable to run a scan in burp enterprise. Wenever I create a new scan, I get this error "Failed to create scan: An unexpected error occurred. If this problem persists, please contact...
I am running Burp v2.0.13beta on a fully updated Kali with Java 8 and have added several python extension and running into the same issues. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:...
I can't download Burp Suite certificate. When I go on the link,link goes to the weird website
When pasting text into Burp Suite, with the text containing unicode characters with a codepoint higher than 255, Burp Suite will mangle the characters. For characters with a unicode code point lower than 65536, the result is...
While testing https://github.com/vmware/burp-rest-api/, we realized that there is a bug in the Burp Extender API iScanQueueItem.getPercentageComplete() for Burp Professional v2.x (beta). We have verified the problem with...
On Windows this doesn't work horribly, although in general, I really dislike windows stealing focus unexpectedly. On Linux, though, this is handled extremely poorly. What ends up happening is that the focus gets stolen,...
I am able to capture the requests via proxy, send it to Repeater and get a successful response too. But these requests are not showing up in the Target tab. May I know how do I address this?
Hi there, I downloaded the latest WebGoat release here: https://github.com/WebGoat/WebGoat/releases I tried running Burp Infiltrator in the same folder (eg. /tmp/webgoat/) After trying to run WebGoat JAR file, I get...
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