Burp Suite User Forum
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Authentication bypass via OAuth implicit flow: this lab when i want to log into social network page the this page redrict to this kind of page: SessionNotFound: invalid_request at Provider.getInteraction...
I recently change my email to email B and lost all my progress except for XSS labs. Then when I change back my email to email A, I still lost all the other lab progress (CSRF SSRF, SQLI,etc) except for XSS labs. Need...
Collaborator showed request only for https://<url> If I used http://<url>, the server showed the response, but doesn't get captured in collaborator client.
Hello, I am currently running v2021.5.2 on windows. When I try to run inbuilt chromium browser, I am getting the following error message: net.portswigger.devtools.client.s: unable to start browser I had a look at the...
Hello, I'm currently using Burp Pro version 2021.5.1-7814, however I've noticed this behavior on earlier versions as well. The Proxy handles HTTP/2 traffic just fine. So does repeater. But when an extension literally...
Hi team, I was trying to scan an application supported http2. But my login macro failed. while looking through the logs, the status code of (macro request's response) is 505. The same request is successful in repeater...
I'm running the latest version (v2021.5.1). I used to use intruder with null payloads and one minute intervals, and a grep for user info to see how long a session would last after a user logged off. However, this no longer...
Hi, following up on my previous bug report. I am running the latest burp beta on a fully updated OSX and JAVA environment. I have started a new scan against 2 URLS from the same domain and towards the end of the scan,...
Hi, I have several instances on the dashboard which claim to have a HSTS problem but burpsuite obviously connected to the instance before. Example of a full response header: HTTP/2 304 Not Modified Date: Tue, 08...
Hi guys, I am trying to use the copy to clipboard option on the XSS cheat sheet page, in order to paste the payloads on the payload tab and it seems that it is not working. I have tried it from both the guest OS and my...
Hi, We had recently performed Burp Suite Scan on our application and the External service interaction (DNS) was reported with Severity: High and Confidence: Certain. However in the Collaborator DNS interaction the IP,...
Hi! I can not see in the Intruder in the options pannel the Request Engine which enable us to change the number of threads sent. I just have an Error Handling section... I have the BurpSuite version 2021.6. Thank you!
I was trying the 'Basic clickjacking with CSRF token protection' lab and accidentally deleted the account. I waited more than an hour and the lab still has not reset. What can I do? should I wait longer?
Good Morning, There seems to be an issue with the burp audit configuration when using Burp Scanner. When setting up a scan and changing the audit configuration (such as the issues reported) the audit does not actually...
Hello, We want to automate the burp suite with python code, that can do scanning for specific URL. How can we do that? Can you help us in this regards?
I've noted it a few versions ago, but thought as it's pretty obvious, somebody will report it and it will be fixed soon. But it still doesn't work. When I select some entry in History table, and try to select and copy any...
Hello. Cant activate burpsuite pro. I guess thats happened because i using many devices and often reinstall OSs/VMs. Our license for 3 users, but we are actually two persons. As i remember, "1 person -- many installation...
We are attempting to scan a URL, and it is failing with the message "Could not connect to any seed URLs." We are using BS Enterprise, proxy server set up appropriately, and cannot scan this URL.
Just started with HackerOne and while going through the "Getting Started With Burp" YouTube video Community Edition just shuts down after going though the first trivial capture the flag when I try to change the scope ip...
Hello, I am experiencing an issue with the resource pool when using burp scanner. - When setting the resource pool to the default 10 concurrent requests for an audit of a request, only one request after another is...
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