Burp Suite User Forum
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I solved the lab 3-4 times https://portswigger.net/web-security/sql-injection/blind/lab-conditional-responses But it doesn't mention Solved .... always not solved Why this happen
I have solved the vulnerability labs of OS Command Injection multiple times now, but the status is not being updated to "Solved". It still shows "Not Solved" Labs I solved...
Today, when I finished a lab in the web academy, it was not marked as solved in the main page. I just want to report this so that it is possible fix up the bug. Regards :)
Dear Team, I have successfully solved "Lab: access control ", but it's not reflected in my progress.
I face the issue during solving lab in web security academy. While solving a lab it shows that i solved the lab but it didn't count on my dashboard as well as in the learning section it displays that the lab isn't...
Hi Portswigger team, I was solving the Authentication labs, and everything was %100 fine, however, something weird started to happen. After solving the lab, I don't get the lab marked as solved, hence my progress isn't...
When I solve a challenge this one is not flagged as solved in challenges list. I already tried to reload the page and clear the cache but nothing has changed... can you help me to fix it plz?
i just sign up when i solve tha lap and it says congratulations you solved the lap i go to my dashpoard and my progres is 0 and in the page it is not solved how can i solve the laps i do this for directory tarversal
i just sign up when i solve tha lap and it says congratulations you solved the lap i go to my dashpoard and my progres is 0 and in the page it is not solved how can i solve the laps i do this for directory tarversal
When I solve labs they are not showing as solved when I redirect to the learning page. This started occurring on completion of lab - SSRF with whitelist-based input filter Now I am on Labs - Exploiting XXE using...
i completed a Lab in the XSS section but the Completion is not Updating. when i access that lab its saying "solved" but on the lab Description its saying not solved. I tried Reloading the page and solving the lab multiple...
Hello, I've been completing labs successfully, but the labs are not showing as completed on the course page or the progress tracking dashboard. Thanks, Alfonzo
i try to solve many laps but after i solve it in the lap page it says solved and continue leerning but after i go out to it seems that it doesnt solved and no change happen on thr laap description page it is not solved
I have just started the academy and I noticed that even though I solve the initial labs in the https://portswigger.net/web-security/sql-injection the sign is Not solved in the initial page and in the...
Lab: SQL injection attack, querying the database type and version on MySQL and Microsoft solution not working Payload: '+UNION+SELECT+@@version,+NULL# Response: Internal Server Error
Greetings; We have just finished our Burpsuite Enterprise trial license period and have a few bugs to report. Starting with an Icon scaling issue Burpsuite Enterprise Version: latest as of June 30th. Browser being...
Run into an odd agent license vs main license expiry date sync issue whilst we were on the Burpsuite Enterprise Trial license. Burpsuite Enterprise Version: latest as of July 2 With 2 days remaining on the main...
Hi everyone, I have been trying to run Burp from the window manager menu in Parrot OS but there is no activity after clicking the icon. It was working a few hours ago and I've been facing this issue since. I tried running...
Since, 48 hours I'm not able to access a particular lab "Password reset poisoning via dangling markup" Error: Lab error Issue: Not Booting Date: 3 July 2021
Hi, when logged into my account, I am trying to download burpsuite pro and your download link buttons are not working. I click on them but nothing is triggering a download. They just say downloading but nothing is actually...
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