Burp Suite User Forum
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Hi, I noted that Burp v2.1.03 For example, I insert an additional Content-Length header with arbitrary number on a POST request, on the Intercept tab. (Note the POST request had an existing Content-Length: 0 header,...
Cannot load a specific font with "User options -> Display -> HTTP Display Message". I use the following "Myrica M" font. https://myrica.estable.jp/myricamhistry/ When "Myrica M" included in this font is set to "Font"...
Hi, I am having issues with the burp active scanner. I'm not sure if it is due to the application or not. Here are my symptoms, I start a scan, and the # of requests will build up. To around 20-30 requests. Then all of a...
i succeeded in intercepting all the android HTTPS traffic by installing burp certificate and it is working just fine . so the android traffic now is being monitored by Burp and every thing is in place , i can see all...
I have a directory with a known file, e.g. https://website.com/folder/script.js. This appears as a grey item from the passive crawl in the Site Map under the Target tab, and the Response tab under Content is blank (because...
The new version of burp (v 2.1.03) have trouble intercepting IOS traffic. My IOS device and burp is configured properly but it still gives error "the client failed to negotiate an ssl connection". I used an older version (v...
the "install Jython" link in Extender is 404 across all Jthyon extensions. https://www.jython.org/downloads.html
--------------------------- Error --------------------------- You must be at least Poweruser to run this program. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
Burp Invisible Proxy doesn't work for OSX 10.14.6 if the Application Firewall is turned on. To proxy HTTP requests from iOS device, I configured testing environment as follows: * I paired iOS device to MacBook via...
Our Red Team discovered a bug in webapps that utilize NTLM authentication. The NTLM auth requests were not being properly sent from Burpsuite 1.7.33 and access was consistently denied with working credentials. Taking Burp...
I'm having an issue (or is it a bug) whereby I have a website on a domain that has an underscore (for example, http://site_test.blah.com), but setting up a crawl scan type gives me 'Invalid URL to scan' error despite the...
Using Burp Suite v2.1.03, runnable Java processes (Java: ScheduledFuture) are not killed or interrupted, when stopping or even removing the plugin. Reproduction: 1. Install Logger++ from the BApp store. 2. Enter an...
Hi I'm trying to run multiple requests after one. Request 1) Send a post request with fixed data. -> The result gives me a sessionid Request 2) Send a new post request with the previously received sessionid. I...
I am setting up a custom crawler function, and tried to set-up a user-agent like this: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0 However, this does not succeed and gives the...
myBurp issues view ?Add a Chinese issue appears, showing garbled characters? Plasese help me; Thanks ! this is my base64ed...
Hi, Since Burp 2.0 is out of beta I started using it today for a project I'm working on. While crawling a website, I noticed it took a very long time to crawl the website. So I decided to run a test on demo.testfire.net...
Hi, I have a company licence however my login no longer appears to work hence this post. I have been testing using a temporary project and would like to save my burp project however every time I attempt this I receive...
Burp 2.1.02 is not saving my project files. Latest case, I worked until 6PM yesterday then shut everything down. When boot up and open the Burp project file today, all of my afternoon work is gone. I have it configured to...
Hello, No matter what website I try to access, I get the "Invalid client request received" from Burp and then this error. It might be an issue with Firefox because it creates a request with GET...
In Static members: In action "Backup agent.config file [Run script]" (screen "Installation location"), property "Script": java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 10: ${compiler:release.version} at...
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