Burp Suite User Forum
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Hello, In most of the scan, burp reports, External Service Interaction vulnerability either in HTTP/S or DNS. I am not sure how this can be exploited on server side. I see some similarities to SSRF, but could not find any...
Hi Support, I configured the proxy as per the document in Burp and Mozilla. Applications not working through this proxy. It is just hanging. Kindly suggest.
Hello, I have been trying to launch a HTTP Desync attack using Turbo Intruder. Here is my script: def queueRequests(target, wordlists): engine = RequestEngine(endpoint=target.endpoint, ...
Hello, I acquired the burp pro and since then I leave it doing scanners in domains. However it is always consuming all the memory of the Burp and in the end it crashes without finishing the scanner.
On kali linux, when I open burp suite from the command line it opens and as soon as I click start burp suite disappears but is still running
Hi, one of my plugin, Brida, uses RSyntaxTextArea library for syntax highlighting. Burp Suite 2 seems to use the same library but unfortunately due to a bug (see https://github.com/bobbylight/RSyntaxTextArea/issues/269 )...
By using BURP suit on my application , Burp blocks Web socket requests during proxy I configured local proxy on my browser and on Burp application Then tried login my application and starting capture –Web socket request...
Hi, I'm running: Linux Mint 19.1 Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86 Burp Suite Pro v2.0.18 Beta And I'm getting a bunch of net::ERR_CERT_REVOKED when I use the Burp Suite proxy in Chrome. Cert is working perfectly in...
When I try to start burpsuite community edition this error appears. I tried reinstall java multiple times (multiple versions) but it still doesn't work. Before today everything worked fine... Help would be appreciated
Burp Scanner scans may detect "out-of-band resource load (HTTP)". In some cases, a modified Host header or GET request URI parameter may be detected to the Burp collaborator host name, but this is a natural behavior, not an...
Hello, We've noticed differences in testing results between Burp Enterprise and Burp Professional. May you share any documentation or reasons for the differences? Does Burp pro use a newer engine than Burp Enterprise?...
The solution for this lab has an incorrect reference to a .com site instead of the .net site. 11. In Burp Repeater, add the following header, remembering to enter your own exploit server ID: X-Forwarded-Host:...
In Burp v2020.1 you cannot convert (e.g. base64-decode) smth in the Proxy history (which is read only). When you selected the desired text and type Ctrl+Shift+B, the selection becomes slightly shorter (as if it was...
Latest version of Burp Pro - after adding/changing insertion points to a request in Intruder and selecting "Intruder / Scan defined insertion points" doesn't seem to work - it doesn't open the scan launcher nor can I add it...
Hello, in the latest version 2.0.22 the 'render' function is broken. Not only it opens in an external window now, which is unacceptable, but it displays only a blank page, always. It was working FINE in the previous...
I have a custom CA that I've created using an existing rootCA in order to have all my devices already trusting burp. The commands used for that were: openssl genrsa -out burp.key 4096 openssl req -x509 -new -nodes...
The exploit server for Lab: "Web cache poisoning with multiple headers" is a static website I think (https://acaf1f291e8c19678018001b014100dd.web-security-academy.net/). My lab is stuck because even after refreshing the...
Hi I tried out, the following piece on the third XSS lab: <lala onfocus="alert(document.cookie)" tabindex="1" id="x" autofocus>test</lala> or URL encoded,...
Hello Burp Suite Team! Parsing Burp Enterprise reports fails because a closing tag is missing in the HTML. The incorrect tag is with tbodys. Instead of closing the tbody tag we see this: </tr> <tbody> # Missing /,...
Hello, The import certificate function seems to have problems in the v2020.2 version of Burp Suite pro (haven't tried the community edition). The error when selecting import "Certificate and private key from PKCS#12...
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