Burp Suite User Forum
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I'm making a request to the lab mentioned above with machine windows 10 and burp v2020 does not return the page with cache, I did the test on a virtual machine linux with version 2.1 and it returns normally. I would like to...
I try if I using administrator, Home, Site, Scan...all can not access. Please see following: Whoops - something bad happened TypeError: Unable to get property 'extensions' of undefined or null reference TypeError:...
Hello, I am running Burp Pro v2020.4.1 and recently noticed that intercept, repeater and intruder editor does not support ÅÄÖ anymore. This has worked before but now the characters are substituted with random...
Hi, I have a lists of subdomains. I use wfuzz to request / for all subdomains. I proxy through burp suite to move them to burp. Eventhough wfuzz gets 200 404 or 302 etc (behind burp), I cant see some sites on the site...
Hi, Just browsing targets and findings and Burp Suite Pro keeps hanging. It will freeze up for a bit and then it will start working again. I see errors like this in the output. Do you know what is causing this and how to...
I encountered an issue using a ysoserial extension with the latest Burp Suite release. I received the same error message seen in this ysoserial issue: https://github.com/frohoff/ysoserial/issues/136 The latest solution...
I recently downloaded the JRuby Complete JAR and use it for my Burp Ruby Environment. Upon attempting to load a custom Ruby extension I was met with the following error: NoMethodError: undefined method...
Hi, I ran web tests using a Burp Suite Pro license (temp). As I ran similar tests on the same target using the same settings on a Burp Suite Enterprise tool (which my company bought), I discover I have slightly...
Hi we can no longer activate the product license on our machines.the unavailability of the product impacts our activity please take the appropriate measures.
Setup account, got key, downloaded and installed burp. Windows Defender was disabled firewall was on (oops). Connection got blocked. Disabled firewall. Reinstalled Burp. Now can't login to burp Web UI. Tried reinstalling...
We are facing an issue "Lost communication with BurpSuite" while scanning after couple of hours. (Persistent issue) Our setup is like, The Burp tooling is hosted in 1 azure VM and application is hosted on another azure...
Browser sends, CONNECT ... in order to POST /libs/granite/core/content/login.html/j_security_check to a site https://www.XXXX.ca Browser network console shows, Version: HTTP/1.0 Referrer Policy:...
Good morning, I'm using burp pro scanner and the target website has ip 195.250.x.x. Neverthless, scan result shows the following: The Collaborator server received a DNS lookup of type A for the domain name...
I've been trying to do this one (Web Security Academy OS Command Injection, Simple Case) but nothing seems to work. I even used the proposed solution and it didn't work at all so my suspicion is that the challenge is broken.
I have reinstalled the latest version from scratch, and still face the following issue. * I start a listener on all interfaces (*), or a specific non-loopback interface; * I use the default Burp configuration with e a...
I don't think this lab is working properly. Spent about 45 mins, checked the solution, and it didn't work. Could you look into it please?
When I try to copy the entire request from proxy or repeater that contains an image (e.g. GIF upload), I cannot copy the entire request to the clipboard anymore. The content of the clipboard ends for example with:...
Just installed the trial for Burp Suite enterprise and when trying to start a new scan on my web app, the status is always "Waiting for Agent". If I go the the Agents section, I see and error message saying "An unexpected...
As latest version of burp does not support java 1.8, does upgrading of java require re configuring of the license???
hello, i just update the burp suite to version 2020.4 , when complete i got error when running the application. "Error: A JNI error has accured, please check your installation and try again." "a java exception has...
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