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The Collaborator server IP disclosure

Andrea | Last updated: May 11, 2020 01:23PM UTC

Good morning, I'm using burp pro scanner and the target website has ip 195.250.x.x. Neverthless, scan result shows the following: The Collaborator server received a DNS lookup of type A for the domain name zvy92r2xjwvabw7kz5n44ph6mxsrgjc73xrpef24.burpcollaborator.net. The lookup was received from IP address at 2020-May-11 13:06:12 UTC. Basically, what I am seeing is the IP address of another website being scanned.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 12, 2020 07:55AM UTC

Hi The IP address reported in the scan result will be the address of the DNS server that performed the DNS lookup rather than the site that was being scanned. If you've got any further questions, please let us know!

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