Burp Suite User Forum
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Hello Guys Using latest version of burp v2021.8.2,once launched burp still "Sync Setting" status and burp not started , I need to kill several times to use Burp on windows env. Image reference here:...
Hi team while running Burp suite Pro on my Mac M1 laptop 16GB ram and even on my asus(Windows and Linux) 16GB ram laptop the Burp suite hangs when send it request to repeater then modify it and send it again then burp pro...
Hello! My Burp Suite Pro projects seems to be routinely corrupting after I shut down and turn my machine back on. Everyday my projects have corrupted. I have to create a new file and most of the data seems to be recovered...
I can't solve the lab because, there is no json body to manipulate when forwarding the request to update the user email. As a result, there is no json data called role id in the response body. Please i'll really appreciate...
Trial license is still active but when I try to activate a new instance I get “There was an problem with checking your license” I did use the license couple of times and it worked but now it's now working note that I delete...
at this lab https://portswigger.net/web-security/xxe/blind/lab-xxe-with-data-retrieval-via-error-messages i have to use the portswigger exploitation function to solve the lab , so i have to sotre the XXE code and take...
Hello, can anyone confirm if the intended solution for the "Lab: SQL injection attack, querying the database type and version on MySQL and Microsoft" is not working? I am unable to perform any SQLi, even that provided in the...
Hey guys, I hope you're all well today. This seems to be a pretty interesting bug! I have no idea what is going on, but while trying to solve this lab, something seems to have broken in the back-end, and now every time I...
In testing the 2.0 version of Burp, I noticed that, scanning the same target, version 1.7 found XSS reflected vulnerabilities that 2.0 did not. Both scanning were done using default configurations from both product. (I mean...
Platform: Ubuntu 20 (haven't tested other platforms) Version: Pro 2021.8.2 (build 9403) To reproduce: - Open and maximize Burp - Open the text editor, and adjust the window size to only be part of the screen (i.e., not...
Hello. I have the latest Kali, fully updated/upgraded vm, including burpsuite community edition v2020.8.1. I have been unable to launch the burpsuite application. I have tried using jdk-14, jdk-11, and jdk-8. For each of...
Hello, I'm receiving the following error message when using "Recursive grep" payloads on Intruder: "ERROR: recursive grep payloads cannot be used with multiple request threads" I'm setting 3 recursive grep payloads...
The Filter in intruder tab is not working properly in burp suite pro 2021.8.2. Once the 400 respons is unchecked in the filter, the 400s responses are presented in the Intruders request list.
Version: Burp Suite Professional v2021.6.2 Unexpected behaviour - unsure if a bug, or a limitation of the proxy configuration mechanism for the embedded browser. When starting the embedded browser in a second instance...
Hi, My name is Dinse from CSAA insurance. We have an enterprise license. We are using burp enterprise and would like to know the option to export scan report using an API. Our goal is to scan the application automatically...
I can't access the labs I get an error
Scan Failed w/ messages "Scan not progressing" Not sure what this means nor how to avoid it in the future.
Hi, I'm getting this weird error when I start chromium browser https://i.ibb.co/fNJzbXK/Screen-Shot-2021-08-30-at-3-33-56-PM.png Browser starts ok after that and works fine Thanks
We are using Burp Suite Enterprise Edition for multiple years now. This year when I'm trying to update my license to the latest, it failing with error "Failed to upload license: An unexpected error occurred. If this problem...
In Lab: CSRF with broken Referer validation, I tried the solution mentioned in (https://portswigger.net/web-security/csrf) and set Referrer-Policy: unsafe-url. But, it didn't work and the browser still sent the trimmed url...
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