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Can't Add a Extension to be Executed by session handling rule for checking invalid session

Hi, First off just wanted to say that you guys have been doing a great job with Burp, it pretty much covers 85 - 95% of my daily web app pentesting needs with the core functionalities. So my problem is exactly as stated...

Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 02:57PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Burp Extensions


Do i need to buy burp suite Pro to use autorize?

Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 08:27AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Custom Extension for Whitelisting

Burp Suite Pro v1.7.23 Is it possible to skip a certain link/URL for specific checks (e.g. CSRF, SQL Injection) during a scan, while remaining them ticked in Scanner Options? So for better visualization, I'll provide a...

Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 11:25AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Burpsuite Pro v1.7.30

BApp Store - Attack Selector extension - Description has a misspelling: "Qiuick scan"

Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 01:23AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Outdated extensions and open pull requests

Hello, some extensions (like "Add Custom Header") don't have their latest version available in the BAppStore, and that lasts for a few months (and I hate having to maintain private versions) First, I wonder how the...

Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 11:14AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Failed to update Bapp List

Hi, My burp store list fails to be updated. I am using my employer's proxy settings and it may create some conflicts OR block some traffic. Do you have any work around this problem? Do you know how I can investigate and...

Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 09:33AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Get All URLs from a Website

Hello, I am currently writing a burp Extension. I need to get all URLs from the Website before the active Scan. How can I do this? Thanks

Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 02:34AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Pause scanner from extension

Is there any API to pause the scanner from an extension? For example, let's say you are scanning an API with a rate limiter, and your extension can detect that you are getting close to the limit, can it pause the scanner to...

Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 11:25AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Burp Extensions


<script> alert (1) </ script>

Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 04:51PM UTC | 0 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Burp Extensions

OpenAPI Parser

I am not able to get the OpenAPI Parser to work. I keep getting an error message saying that "The OpenAPI specification contained in <file name> is ill formed and cannot be parsed". However, the very same file can be...

Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 02:40PM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 4 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Payload generator UUID

Is there an extension of the burp that create UUIDs on payloads?

Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 11:19AM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 3 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Burp Carbonator does not work for me

I am trying to play around with the carbonator feature of Burp using the demo.testfire application as a test run and had a few questions and issues. Issues: I have installed carbonator and using the command " java -jar...

Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 11:10AM UTC | 4 Agent replies | 4 Community replies | Burp Extensions

XML tab "Reparse" Programmatically

Hi, I would like to know how the "Reparse" button in the request/response "XML" tab reformats XML documents programmatically via Java. Specifically, I am wondering what library(s) are used for this. I am asking for the...

Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 03:01AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Extension load error code

os win 7 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.<init>(PythonInterpreter.java:100) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.<init>(PythonInterpreter.java:94) at...

Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 12:06PM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Burp Extensions

IMessageEditorTab check Tool

I'm trying to create a simple jython extension to run a regex against the HTTP response and extract key fields into a new IMessageEditorTab. Is there anyway in IMessageEditorTab.isEnabled or...

Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 12:18PM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Burp Extension for Intruder Payload with multiple payload lists

Hi, I am working on creating a extension for burp suite where a user can choose from a list of payload lists [one list for angular payloads, one list for react payload] according to the framework of the application he is...

Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 11:31AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Burp Extensions

IContextMenuInvocation - getSelectedMessage of original request / response

Hi I have added a custom context menu item, which reads the selected text of the currently open request / response. So far so good, however in the history view of Burp, when i have three tabs, i can only differentiate...

Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 09:07AM UTC | 4 Agent replies | 3 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Burp Suite Automation

Hi All We are trying to automate to test various vulnerabilities like xpath injection,sql injection, Cross-site scripting etc. We have referred the following link...

Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 10:33AM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Burp Extensions

Send to decoder programmaticaly from extensions

There are methods in IBurpExtenderCallbacks for sending data to - repeater, - intruder, - comparer, and - spider. Why isn't there one for decoder? When writing a custom message editor with a custom editor...

Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 01:17PM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Burp Extensions

buildParameter not working

I built the HttpRequest using buildHttpMessage method and trying to add Cookie and Body param using LegacyBurpExtender.getInstance().getHelpers().buildParameter and addParameter and updateParameter methods and it is not...

Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 01:18PM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Burp Extensions

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