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Lab: CSRF where token is tied to non-session cookie solution not working due

Hi, i have an issue getting the solution to the lab working. Whenever i try to set the value of the csrf token with /?search=test%0d%0aSet-Cookie:%20csrfKey=8TIB6mcBo8vOoLZ1nSPocJae9QLOWMAw%3b%20SameSite=None the...

Last updated: Apr 18, 2024 11:38PM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Bug Reports

Double cookie header created by session handling rule

If you create a session handling rule to either add or update a cookie value for requests in some scope, it does not work as expected. The setup is: * a enabled session handling rule; * with any given scope; * a "set a...

Last updated: Apr 18, 2024 03:05PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Can not increase concurent requests

Hi, I have created a new resource pool and changed the number of concurrent requests to 20, but the application works only with 10 concurrent requests. No other setting is changed. I can not increase the default number...

Last updated: Apr 17, 2024 09:57AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Charset problem in Intruder/Turbo Intruder

On Repeater: "value":"Викторов" On Intruder (before request): "value":"Викторов" On Turbo Intruder (after request): "value":"8:B>@>2" Windows 11. Settings in Character set: Recognize automatically base on...

Last updated: Apr 17, 2024 08:28AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Software is Preventing Firefox From Safely Connecting to This Site

Hello, I'm having an issue getting Burp Suite professional v2024.2.1.5 edition with Firefox. The issue is on all https:// websites. I am now able to use burp from last 2 days. I know exactly how to install the...

Last updated: Apr 16, 2024 01:36PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Inacurate target despite in position tab I set the right target

I'm solving Labs in Web Security Academy, when I send a request to Intruder in the Position tab the target is right, I set the payload but when I launch Intruder after hours my attack doesn't work I noticed in the Restults...

Last updated: Apr 14, 2024 08:51AM UTC | 0 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Burp Professional v2024.2.1.3 massive resource consumption

After opening burp and having the program process a small number of intercepted requests (really just logging the requests to proxy history) my computer starts consuming massive amounts of resources. Specifically the Xorg...

Last updated: Apr 12, 2024 01:22PM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 5 Community replies | Bug Reports

Port Swigger Academy ranking is not updating.

Hi. I noticed I solved like 7 labs, but my position in the hall of fame didn't change. I solved like 5 apprentice and 2 practitioner labs. It's already been 2 weeks without updating, I guess. Is the hall of fame bugged?

Last updated: Apr 12, 2024 08:52AM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Could not start Burp: java.lang.NullPointerException

Hi everybody, Today, after updating to latest version 2.1.06, I'm no longer able to launch Burp Pro. I also tried uninstalling, reinstalling, downgrading, but I always get the same not-so-informative exception message:...

Last updated: Apr 12, 2024 07:35AM UTC | 14 Agent replies | 13 Community replies | Bug Reports

Collaborator servers lack ipv6 support

No IPv6 support for any of the collaborator infrastructure: burpcollaborator1.portswigger.net has address burpcollaborator2.portswigger.net has address Knowing an ipv6 source address for...

Last updated: Apr 12, 2024 07:23AM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Bug Reports

" Exploiting clickjacking vulnerability to trigger DOM-based XSS" Lab broken

Hi everyone, it seems like the Lab "Exploiting clickjacking vulnerability to trigger DOM-based XSS" cannot be completed currently. The exploit works right away with Firefox, but it only worked on Chrome when i manually...

Last updated: Apr 11, 2024 04:40PM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Bug Reports

Target Tab missing from view tab

burp froze and i had to force quit it, upon opening it up again, my target tab was missing. tried restroing it from the view but its not in the list, also tried restoring defualt configuration. Nothing worked

Last updated: Apr 10, 2024 11:08PM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 5 Community replies | Bug Reports

Not showing lab as solved.

I have been trying to solve the CSRF lab for 2 or 3 hours. Even after providing the payload script correctly, it shows as not solved. I have also tried providing the solution that PortSwigger has given, but it still doesn't...

Last updated: Apr 10, 2024 12:56PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Burp request editor automatically adding closing brackets and not inserting double quotes after slash

Hey folks, As of the latest update to the early adopter (2023.12.1) I've noticed when I edit a request with JSON contents, if I add an opening bracket Burp automatically adds a closing bracket immediately after (much like...

Last updated: Apr 10, 2024 09:59AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

'paste from file' interface gets bugged and does not allow to open files

hi, i experienced some issues with the 'paste from file' functionality in the repeater. the 'choose a file to paste from' interface gets bugged and either does not show any files in the folder or i am unable to open them...

Last updated: Apr 10, 2024 08:07AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Bug Reports

Lab: Remote code execution via polyglot web shell upload giving 500 response

tried uploading various .php files in the lab, they all get uploaded, but when we go back to /my-account. the request for GET /files/avatars/virusimage.php or whatever the name of the .php file is. it gives 500 error. added...

Last updated: Apr 09, 2024 12:19PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Vulnerable JavaScript dependency doesn't show up when I use the base URL as the start URL

Hi - I work for a company that maintains a number of websites, Burp Suite Pro found a Vulnerable JavaScript dependency in one of the JS libs on one of the sites, but I noticed that our more frequent scans done with Burp...

Last updated: Apr 08, 2024 02:55PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

burp suite page clutter

Hello Unfortunately, I have a problem with the page clutter of the software I have deleted and installed several times I also deleted other versions of Java and reinstalled it It doesn't make any difference and randomly...

Last updated: Apr 08, 2024 08:10AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

The Weiner account password has been changed

The Weiner account password has been changed and I do not know the password and I cannot enter any laboratory. Please help because I would like to help you.

Last updated: Apr 08, 2024 07:03AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

CORS Labs Resource not found

Hello, I retested the CORS labs and noticed that they cannot be solved on Burp browser and Firefox anymore (/log?key=%22Resource%20not%20found%20-%20Academy%20Exploit%20Server%22). Are you aware of this issue?

Last updated: Apr 05, 2024 12:00PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

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