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Availability- The website is too slow now a days

Eragon | Last updated: Mar 05, 2024 04:54PM UTC

Dear Portswigger Team, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my frustration and disappointment regarding the current performance issues with the Portswigger website and Portswigger Academy labs. As a dedicated user of your platform, I have always appreciated the valuable resources and educational materials provided by Portswigger. However, I have recently encountered significant delays in accessing the website and completing tasks on Portswigger Academy due to slow loading times. It often takes nearly five minutes for pages to load, making it extremely challenging to navigate the site efficiently and complete my coursework. These performance issues have not only disrupted my learning experience but have also impacted my productivity and ability to utilize the valuable resources offered by Portswigger effectively. I understand that technical difficulties may arise from time to time, but the consistent and prolonged nature of these delays is concerning. I kindly request that your technical team prioritize addressing these performance issues to ensure a smoother and more efficient user experience for all Portswigger users. Improving the loading times of the website and Academy labs would greatly enhance the overall usability and accessibility of your platform. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to seeing improvements in the near future. Thank you for your continued commitment to providing high-quality cybersecurity education and resources.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 06, 2024 10:01AM UTC

Hi We have not had any reports of delays of this level from other users. Have you tested the access from other internet connections and another machine to see if you experience the same delays?

Eragon | Last updated: Mar 14, 2024 04:59AM UTC

Hi, It is fixed now. Thanks for the services.

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 01:49PM UTC

Hi, I'm experiencing connectivity issues to Web Security Academy website from two different networks. Some packets get lost, other arrive with a considerable delay. I've seen some intermitent connectivity issues in the last month, but today it is especially bad. Could you please look into this? Pinging web-security-academy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out.

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 02:05PM UTC

Down detector: Is Web-security-academy.net down? It's not just you! web-security-academy.net is down. Last updated: Mar 20, 2024, 2:04 PM (1 second ago) https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/web-security-academy.net

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 02:11PM UTC

Hi Are you seeing issues with a specific lab? Can you please let us know which lab or labs you are trying to launch?

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 02:22PM UTC

Hi Michelle, No, the website itself is very sluggish. It takes up to a minute to start a new Mistery challenge lab. I did SQLi, SSRF, and path traversal this morning.

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 02:26PM UTC

Right now it takes more than a minute to POST a password and login in this lab - https://0ae100e5034478ef812289bb00320087.web-security-academy.net/login

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 03:33PM UTC

It continues: GET /image?filename=/etc/passwd HTTP/2 Host: 0aee00f3031c6d1d8189f722006400e9.web-security-academy.net Timed out.

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 03:38PM UTC

GET /image?filename=../../../etc/passwd HTTP/2 Host: 0a9f001e030dd4a180676c7f007800e6.web-security-academy.net 109,522 millis

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 03:51PM UTC

GET /image?filename=../../etc/passwd HTTP/2 Host: 0a35009d049cb981818a390f002000ad.web-security-academy.net 100,628 millis

d.x | Last updated: Mar 20, 2024 04:28PM UTC

POST /my-account/avatar HTTP/2 Host: 0a4500e804ab58a9856344860043006d.web-security-academy.net 82,816 millis

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 21, 2024 09:16AM UTC

Hi As I'm testing the labs this morning they seem to be responding ok. Can you check and let me know if you're still seeing issues?

d.x | Last updated: Mar 21, 2024 10:33AM UTC

The first lab I'm doing this morning seems to be OK. The problem is that this problem is reoccuring regularly - I've such issues at least on five days in the last month. I'll update this thread when problems do reoccure.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 21, 2024 12:23PM UTC

Thanks for the update. Please do let us know if you experience further issues.

d.x | Last updated: Apr 02, 2024 03:27PM UTC

Hi, it seems Labs servers are under the weather again. Not as bad as last time, but still rather noticeable: GET /my-account HTTP/2 Host: 0ae10021044a185f830205eb005c00f6.web-security-academy.net 4,645 millis

d.x | Last updated: Apr 02, 2024 04:49PM UTC

GET /product?productId=4' HTTP/2 Host: 0ab900e9030395ca8a81237a003e0029.web-security-academy.net 6,436 millis

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 08:25AM UTC

Hi Are the labs you're having issues with all from the same topic?

d.x | Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 02:13PM UTC

Nope, they were from different topics.

d.x | Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 02:24PM UTC

It's still going on, I've experienced issues with several labs from different topics today, the last one - GET / HTTP/2 Host: 0a33008a03704e5d8263207a008a00f3.web-security-academy.net 6,958 millis

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 02:43PM UTC

Hi Can you confirm which topic this lab was from so i can try launching the same one, please?

d.x | Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 02:59PM UTC

This particular one was from the SQLi topic.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 04, 2024 08:25AM UTC

Hi I've been testing the labs and they seem to be responding ok when I've tested. Do you just see the issues when proxying via Burp, or are they also present if you connect to the labs from a normal browser? Do you use an upstream proxy? When the issues occur, are you carrying out any scans or attacks on the labs? If so, can you tell us more about the attacks you are running?

d.x | Last updated: Apr 04, 2024 10:12AM UTC

Hi Michelle, I haven't tried accessing Labs outside of Burp proxy. There is no upstream proxy. The issues occur randomly, even without running any attacks, once in a while a simplest request (e.g. GET /) takes upto 6-7 seconds to get answered.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 04, 2024 12:11PM UTC

When this happens, if you copy the same URL for the lab into your normal browser, do you see the same delay?

d.x | Last updated: Apr 04, 2024 12:25PM UTC

I'll check this next time I experience this problem. Now everything is working fine.

yrelyr | Last updated: Apr 05, 2024 04:58PM UTC

I notice a similar issue today when loading the PortSwigger site. Too much delay in loading pages - Tried to load dashboard, login - all had the same problem.

yrelyr | Last updated: Apr 05, 2024 05:12PM UTC

It seems like the CSS file (psforms.css) is taking more time to load which is causing the page to just spinning. Login page loaded after ~1 min. I can load youtube.com just fine as expected - no delays. Without cache enabled, YouTube page loads within 656ms (sorted desc). Portswigger login page - https://ibb.co/FXccj25 YouTube homepage - https://ibb.co/4S5ks4M

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 08, 2024 09:43AM UTC

Hi We've not had any other reports of the login page on portswigger.net being slow (the previous reports on this thread related to labs within the Web Security Academy). Are you still seeing issues? If you use a different browser or machine, do you see the same issue?

Muhammed | Last updated: Apr 25, 2024 04:41PM UTC

I am a dedicated user of your platform. I am reaching out to report a consistent issue that has been affecting my user experience. For some time now, I have been encountering a significant delay when navigating the PortSwigger platform, specifically from the initial login page all the way through to the labs page. The loading time can exceed 30 minutes, which is considerably longer than what I have previously experienced. This prolonged loading period has been a persistent problem and is impacting my productivity. I have taken several troubleshooting steps to ensure that the issue is not on my end. These include checking my internet connection, which is stable and performs well with other high-traffic websites and services, clearing my browser cache, and trying different browsers to rule out client-side issues. Furthermore, other pages outside of PortSwigger load with expected speed, which suggests that the issue may be isolated to the PortSwigger platform. Could you please look into this matter and advise if there are any known issues that might be causing these delays? Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could perform a general check to ascertain whether there might be any underpinning technical problems that could be contributing to this slowdown.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 26, 2024 08:11AM UTC

Hi We have not had any issues reported with the website. If you try to connect now, are you still experiencing delays? Are you proxying the traffic when you see the delays?

Muhammed | Last updated: Apr 26, 2024 09:22AM UTC

Hi, the problem still hasn't been resolved. Even logging in and replying on this forum takes a very long time. i did test with/without and its still the same, take super long to connect to the page.

Muhammed | Last updated: Apr 26, 2024 09:25AM UTC

but other website works as normal

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 26, 2024 09:57AM UTC

Hi There are no current issues with the website, so it is unclear what is causing the behavior you are seeing. Can you please explain what you mean by testing with/without and

Shyam | Last updated: May 14, 2024 06:04PM UTC

I am facing significant lag in CSRF and CORS module labs all day today. Can you please look into this?

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 15, 2024 08:16AM UTC

Hi Thanks for getting in touch. Can I double-check, are you still having issues and seeing lag today?

Ben | Last updated: May 16, 2024 04:44PM UTC

I have been having issues all day with the web-security-academy.net challenges, specifically the SQLi challenges. Requests to the challenges I have been doing can take anywhere from 2 seconds to 100 seconds to return a reply. This happens periodically - sometimes the site is running at reliable speeds, but sometimes throughout the course of the day there are significant delays. It is clear that this has been an issue for some time now without resolution, as the PortSwigger Agent assigned to this thread continues to say "We have not had any reported issues with the website", despite continued replies to this thread from several users over the past two months. This is unfortunate as I was planning on completing many PortSwigger labs in order to achieve the BSCP, but after facing these continued connectivity issues, I'm not sure that will be feasible long term. It is clear the labs do not have the scaling power necessary to support the current user base. I hope the infrastructure engineers are aware of these issues and working towards a resolution.

Aakash | Last updated: May 16, 2024 06:20PM UTC

all the labs are running very slow. What should I do?

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 17, 2024 08:09AM UTC

Hi We are aware there were some issues and we believe we ave now resolved them. If you're still seeing issues now, please let us know.

whiteTea | Last updated: Jun 01, 2024 04:58PM UTC

Same problem here with different labs, different topics. Just to load the homepage or put some products in the cart needs 10-20 second (or timeout). =/

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 03, 2024 10:53AM UTC

Hi I've just tested loading a few different labs and at the moment I'm not seeing any issues with response times. Are you still having issues with this now?

Ben | Last updated: Jun 24, 2024 08:16PM UTC

The labs are very slow right now. I'm completing CSRF and it's taking >30 seconds for a response per request

Takahiro | Last updated: Jun 25, 2024 01:32AM UTC

I am having the same problem, all the labs are very slow. I am anxious because I am taking the exam this weekend.

Takahiro | Last updated: Jun 25, 2024 01:43AM UTC

I didn't provide enough information, so I'll add some more. The lab is not always slow; sometimes it's normal, sometimes it's slow, and sometimes it's unstable.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 25, 2024 03:50PM UTC

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues, are you having problems with all the labs or just the CSRF ones?

K | Last updated: Jun 25, 2024 07:04PM UTC

Yes all labs are slow right now. I thought my payloads were not working but there are some issues with all labs.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 26, 2024 07:32AM UTC

Thanks for the update. Are they slow as soon as you open them or do they slow down once you start performing attacks?

Takahiro | Last updated: Jun 26, 2024 12:06PM UTC

Thank you for your response. It's been slow from the moment I opened it. Sometimes there's no response.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 27, 2024 08:06AM UTC

Hi I've done some checks and I'm not seeing the same issues right now. If you try again are they still slow? Are you able to test from a different internet connection? Are they also slow when not proxied via Burp?

Steven | Last updated: Jun 28, 2024 07:39PM UTC

Myself and coworkers have experienced what we thought were issues with Burp Suite academy performance. I later discovered I had neglected to remove/disable a "session handling rule" which was triggering a macro. Basically, some of the labs have you setup configurations that will cause issues if you don't revert configs afterwards. Looking through some of the posts on this forum, I think a good chunk of them can be solved with the below: 1. check Proxy > Proxy Settings > Sessions - and see if you have any rules other than "use cookies from Burp's cookie jar". If these are triggering some macro, that's going to slow everything down. 2. Did you do the smuggling labs recently? Is your Repeater not updating the content length automatically? 3. If still having issues, revert to burp default configs.

Ben | Last updated: Jul 23, 2024 11:48AM UTC

I am having issues with "Lab: Web cache poisoning with multiple headers" this morning. It took several tries to get the lab to start, but then the exploit server was not working and I was getting timeout errors. Now every time I try to access the lab I get no response from the remote server.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 24, 2024 07:40AM UTC

Hi I tested launching this lab yesterday and this morning and it seems to be working now. Can you try again and let me know if you still have issues, please?

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