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Character corruption in repeater

Whenever i am using the burp repeater, the response display in raw is garbled/corrupted characters, showing mixes of unrecognizable characters (white boxes etc). This does not happen on any other parts, just on the repeater....

Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 03:06PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Upgrading Burp doesn't keep extensions

Everytime I upgrade Burp, I have to set the environment paths, and re-download the BAPPs. Is there a config file somewhere that can be configured to avoid this?

Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 08:55AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Mystery URL tested as HTTP response header injection error

After upgrading to version 1.6.30, found 4 critical errors. After debugging the issue seems like to tool is arbitrarily has a bug. See below for more details. Severe error category: HTTP response header...

Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 03:53PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Remote host drops connection unless SSL passthrough is used?

This is a weird one. I'm working on an assessment over a VPN connection (:/) and am able to interact with the site directly from any browser at my disposal. I can also interact with the site if I'm proxying through Burp...

Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 04:23PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

External service interaction finding masks XXE finding

Hey folks, Not sure if this would be considered a bug, but I'm running 1.6.30 and have a finding where an XXE payload is being used to tickle the collaborator, but only the latter is reported (External service interaction...

Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 03:51PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Bug Reports

Open Redirection.

Even though you have shown complete disregard for my feature requests, and tell me to "write my own" (we're not all coders, ya know? And I'm not requesting dumb $h!t like a button), I'm surprised you missed such a simple,...

Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 10:00AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Self-signed certificate with CN=PortSwigger in invisible mode

Hi, When I'm using an proxy listener with "invisible proxying support" in "Per-host" certificate mode. I get a wrong self-certificate with CN=PortSwigger. It works as expected if I use a browser like firefox or...

Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 09:55AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Strange behaviour with XSS payloads in Active Scanner.

I am having a strange behaviour on doing an active scan on this particular request: https://cld.pt/dl/download/5b8963fe-6f9f-4e4a-970d-a788e776258e/http_request.JPG Burp only does 10 requests and does not identify the...

Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 04:38PM UTC | 3 Agent replies | 3 Community replies | Bug Reports

Scanner issue 0x00000000

Hello, Since v1.6.30 an issue with 0x00000000 index has been added which contains OS command injection description. I guess that's a mistake. Davy

Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 01:37PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Repeater and content-encoding

I think I have two issues: The first is that the settings in proxy for encoding/decoding compression don't seem to apply to repeater. The second is that if I send a HEAD method request via repeater, it tries to...

Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 11:02AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

v 1.6.30 spider

I just downloaded/ran version 1.6.30. The when right clicking and selecting "Spider this host" the host above the selected item is spidered and the item that was actually selected is not spidered. I've restarted that app...

Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 07:23PM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 2 Community replies | Bug Reports

content-type: application/json

An application/json response is by definition unicode (utf-8 by preference, but any multibyte unicode is acceptable). However, if the content-type header does not also include a charset=utf-8 attribute (which is actually...

Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 10:00AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Intruder silently changes content type of request from application/json to text/plain

When using intruder to masticate a RESTful interface, it will silently change the content-type from the original request's application/json to text/plain. For RESTful interfaces that enforce type, this means that all the...

Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 10:17PM UTC | 0 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Problem with multihost angularjs site

We have an angularjs/REST web app (IE11) at a client that works fine (no proxy) but is broken when burp is in the middle. The web page normally pulls in several js and css files from a second domain, also owned by the...

Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 12:05PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Session handling with two rules

Hi, I have a web-app that have two issues when scanning or spidering. Sometimes app closes the session so I got a 302 redirect, other times, app malfunctions and all request ends with error 500 and I must re-auth. I...

Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 01:12PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Intruder: Remove several payloads at the same time

Hi, In intruder, when creating the list of payloads to be injected. If several entries are selected from the list (by using shift or ctrl button) and Remove options is clicked, it does not remove all the selected entries...

Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 09:54AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

a couple of UI bugs

Hi, long time user and supporter :D Two small glitches that caught my eye today: 1. tool tips need to be updated with information that issues were moved to Target tab (and that Target is what you need to save in...

Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 07:53AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Dragger not showing after 200 requests

Dragger not showing after >200 requests. Check this https://www.dropbox.com/s/yu9bx9misf57b31/Untitled.png?dl=0

Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 07:47AM UTC | 2 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

Probable bug: SQL injection avoidable false positive ?

"Issue detail The [...redacted...] cookie appears to be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. The payload ' and '6143'='6143 was submitted in the Auth-Portal cookie, and a database error message was returned. You should...

Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 08:17AM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 0 Community replies | Bug Reports

Infinite .Null Files being created when using generateScanReport() with the file format "HTML"

As part of my extension, I am using the generateScanReport() to create both the XML file and the HTML file. However, when I use generateScanReport() with the HTML format, while the HTML file does get created, files with the...

Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 09:41PM UTC | 1 Agent replies | 1 Community replies | Bug Reports

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