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Would you please change our company and contact information?

Christoph | Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 06:24AM UTC

I would like to politely request the update/change of our company name because innogy SE has been migrated/merged to the following company since the beginning of 2021: “E.ON Digital Technology GmbH” I have already adjusted the address (and eMail address). Because Mr. Christoph Schneider has also left the company, the managament of the PortSwigger software portfolio ist done by a special team (not a single person) in future. So is it possible to change the Name to?: First Name: EDT Last Name: VML Thanks and best regards Christian Englert Vendor Management Licenses E.ON Digital Technology GmbH, Tresckowstrasse 5, 30457 Hannover, Germany christian.englert.external@eon.com

Chloe, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 10:36AM UTC

Hi Christian, Thanks for the mail - please be advised I have already responses to your email, look forward to hearing from you! Best Wishes Chloe Chloe Ridley Customer Champion PortSwigger Web Security

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