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wiener:peter not working in Lab: User ID controlled by request parameter with password disclosure

Nicholas | Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 06:01AM UTC

Hi, I am unable to complete this lab because the login credentials I was provided, wiener:peter, is not working. I believe that this lab needs to be reset.

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 09:32AM UTC

Hi Nicholas, When you launch a lab you are obtaining an instance of a lab that is unique to you and which is generated from a base image. So, unless you have altered your instance in some way, the default login credentials should work (there are some labs where it is possible to delete users etc which would, obviously, impact your ability to then subsequently use those credentials to login). Each lab instance should reset after a period of around 10 minutes inactivity so, by now, if you try to launch the lab again you should receive a new instance that has reverted back to its original configuration (you can tell this by the different URL in use). If you try this lab again now are you able to login using the default wiener:peter credentials? If not, are you able to supply us with a screenshot of what you are entering and what you are seeing at this point so that we can assist you further?

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