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why do i have to use the concatenation operator when SQL injecting ?

etherr | Last updated: May 07, 2021 08:52PM UTC

hello . i am doing the sql injection labs . i got stuck on the blind sql injection labs . i got lost when i saw this query on the solution : ''' TrackingId=xyz'||(SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTR(password,1,1)='§a§' THEN TO_CHAR(1/0) ELSE '' END FROM users WHERE username='administrator')||' ''' why do we have to use this operator ? (||) i managed to get the same query parameters by myself but i used --comment in the end . why is this wrong ? i saw it again on the next lab which runs on postgresql : ''' TrackingId=xyz'||pg_sleep(10)-- ''' but this time he used comment . and yet we could have used --comment on the oracle example but it didnt work . this got me really lost . i hope u can help me with that . thank you

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 10, 2021 02:53PM UTC