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Web Academy

Quentin | Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 11:06AM UTC

Hello ! I'm a beginner in web security but also in computer security. So I'm starting from scratch. I started learning with the cyber-academy by following the beginner's path. I have a few comments about it and maybe you can enlighten me on some details. First of all, I would like to thank you for providing us these courses. There is a lot of content and labs to help us understand. However, I noticed that for some labs, the explanations given in the courses were not enough for me. It seems that without the solution, I could not complete the labs. Is it possible to solve all the labs without reading the solution? Some of the solutions have to use command lines or computer language that I don't know and that has not been introduced in the courses related to the laboratory. Even if I have the solution, I don't always understand what I am doing. Is someone else facing the same situation as I am? Finally, I have difficulty finding the vulnerability related to the lab. How am I supposed to find this vulnerability on my own without using the clues given by the lab? Thank you !

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 11:24AM UTC

Hi Quentin, Thanks a lot for your feedback. Welcome to your academy journey! I would suggest always conducting some further research in addition to the great free learning resources we provide prior to completion of the labs. The learning materials generally give great hints into what the solution looks like but please feel free to research on other sites to fully understand the vulnerability before attempting to exploit it. The labs assume a general understanding of web technologies but you can learn these for free on e.g. the site below: - https://www.w3schools.com/ Also, there is no shame in using the solution because the solutions also improve and build on your existing understanding. The knowledge you gain from them may end up helping you in a lab in the future.

Quentin | Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 11:42AM UTC

Hi Uthman, Thanks you for your quick response ! I think it could be interesting to know what kind of knowledge is needed before begining a class. Maybe you have something like this and I missed it. Have a nice day.

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 11:56AM UTC

An understanding of HTTP and web technologies (e.g. HTML, JS, etc...) would certainly help. :)

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