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wait in the login script?

Arpit | Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 05:09PM UTC

I am using the Burp Suite Login recorder and wanted to know how I can add a wait statement in the generated script. This is because the login script runs too fast and does not find the element, I think this can be solved if the script could wait for 5 seconds.

Liam, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 12:39PM UTC

Adding a few seconds for each login would be detrimental to the performance of the scan, as we authenticate for each audit item. Also after the page loads, if the element we are looking for can not be found, Burp Scanner would wait and retry quite a few times (around 40 seconds I think) before it gives up. This retry will only occur if Burp doesn't think it is at the end of the login process. In that case, it won’t wait. We would suggest that you try clicking on an HTML element (a title etc.) at the end of the sequence. Could you try adding an additional click to the login and let us know if it helps?

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