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Understanding sockjs path in Target / Site Map for Vulnerability Scan

John | Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 10:32PM UTC

Hi, I'm running a Meteor application and can see paths that I've created in my application's router code show up as expected under my website's domain in the `Target -> Site Map` tool within Burp Suite. However, I'm also seeing a folder/path called "sockjs" in the site map tool under my website's domain, which tends to have multiple numbered subfoldered. Each of these containing more subfolders, each of which hold a websocket document. I understand that my application uses websockets. However, I don't understand websockets well enough to comprehend the "what/why/where" of these "sockjs" paths and I don't understand if this "sockjs" directory/path is relevant for vulnerability/penetration testing (my ultimately goal) or if it can simply be ignored during my testing. I've noticed that if I do an "active scan" on this "sockjs" folder/path, that several issues come up, some of which are critical e.g. Cross-origin resource sharing: arbitrary origin trusted. However, I do not see these issues come up if I actively scan the other other paths in the application's domain. Thanks!

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 08:23AM UTC