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Unable to launch Burp's built-in browser

Eiros | Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 05:15PM UTC

Hi, I am currently experiencing an issue with Burp's built-in browser on Burp Suite Professional v2023.7.2. When clicking on 'Open Browser', it is unresponsive and no browser is launched. I have launched the health check for Burp's browser and have been returned the following message: Initiating health check Checking platform supported Success Checking browser binaries Success Checking headless browser Error Aborting checks due to errors. net.portswigger.devtools.client.impl.connection.local.Zn: Failed to read dev tools web socket May I get some help on how to fix this issue?

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 10:05AM UTC

Hi Eiros, In the first instance, would you be able to send us an email at support@portswigger.net and include your diagnostic information (available via the Help -> Diagnostics main menu item within Burp) so that we can see more information about the setup that you are running?

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