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Unable to get response of the API call i Burp

Akashdeep | Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 09:28AM UTC

Hi Team I was accessing my SOAP API call using postman and intercepted request in Burp, the request gets captured, but I do get the following alert "1594977797080 Proxy Connection reset". I have tried using the upstream proxy to get the connection reach the server, but still I get the same error. Could you please help me fix this. Thanks and Regards, Akash

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 10:14AM UTC

Hi Akash, If you send the request in the Repeater, do you see a response? Can you send us some more information and screenshots via email? Is the API publicly accessible? You can reach us on support@portswigger.net

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