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unable to forward request

Jayendra | Last updated: May 23, 2021 07:56AM UTC

Hey, I'm currently using burp community edition v2021.5.1 in windows 10 and I'm unable to send forward request after intercept the request, i checked all proxy setting in burp as well as browser but still stuck . Some times request are forwarded but there is no change in browser .

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 24, 2021 07:47AM UTC

Hi Jayendra, When the request has been intercepted in Burp, do you have the ability to manually forward the request via the Forward button under Proxy -> Intercept? If you are intercepting requests then there may be several requests being sent in order for the entirety of the page to load - have you been able to forward all requests? Finally, we would normally only recommend having the 'Intercept is on' configuration set when you want to intercept and manipulate particular requests in real time. If you just want the requests to pass through Burp (but do not wish to do anything with them before they are sent on to the destination web server) then you should set the 'Intercept is off' configuration under Proxy -> Intercept within Burp.

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