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Unable to create projects on a network drive

Nick | Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 12:31AM UTC

Hello, Up just updated to the Burp Suite Professional v2.0.17beta and tried to create a new project located on a network drive. On the first attempt, it stated that the project was corrupt and needed to be repaired. I followed through with this and it was able to 'recreate' the new project. Although there were absolutely no settings setup, not even defaults. Example, there was no proxy listening configuration set at all. On the second attempt, I created a new project on the network drive and got an index out of bound error. Then each of my installed plugins failed to start. On the third attempt I saved the new project to a local drive and it work as expected. Thanks, Nick

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 08:19AM UTC