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The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to <domain>:443: Remote host terminated handshake

andrea | Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 03:07PM UTC

Since a couple of month I am receiving this error quite randomly when trying to reach some standards site of my customers. Some times sites are working and other times not (and may be the same site). I am using burp pro v2023.5.4 with burp's browser (some times this makes it crash or not responsive). Anyone has any hint on that? I am using default configurations for TLS connection (some times a socks proxy or custom hostname resolution). Obviously adding ssl pass through it works but is like not having burp. Thanks,

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 07:11AM UTC

Hi Andrea Would you be able to email support@portswigger.net with your diagnostics? You can find this by going to "Help > Diagnostics" within Burp. Additionally, a screenshot of the Event Log (with the debug filer enabled) when you see this behavior would be helpful: Are you receiving ERR_TIMED_OUT errors in your embedded browser, or does it just become unresponsive?

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