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System freeze when trying to move BURP window

dimi | Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 02:22PM UTC

I've updated to Burp Suite Professional to version 2023.11.1.3. I'm using Ubuntu 23.10 with multiple monitors. After stating with empty, in-memory project and resizing window to full screen as soon as I touch the header and am trying to resize/move window system completely hangs, without any chance of recovery else then reboot. It does not respond to mouse / keyboard actions, screen would not refresh in other windows.

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 02:50PM UTC

Hi Can you please email support@portswigger.com with your diagnostics? You can find this by going through Help> Diagnostics. This will help us see if this triggered any helpful exceptions/ error messages.

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