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Strict transport security not enforced -- misstatement of facts/lack of proof

Anders | Last updated: May 18, 2017 06:32AM UTC

I'm using Pro 1.7.22, and test a fairly normal web application I get an issue report 'Strict transport security not enforced', which from a general perspective is correct: the application does not provide a Strict-Transport-Security header. That far, I have no complaint. However, the issue text states: 'The application fails to prevent users from connecting to it over unencrypted connections.' This is not supported by any facts. (I expected to find a request/response pair to back the statement up, but I don't). Suggestion: Include the request/response in the issue descripion to allow the tester to evaluate the claim easier. What is true is that http://<path> returns a response, and perhaps this has been taken as an indication of a problem. However, the http://<path> only returns the default IIS page, and so does not provide access to the web application. thus, no vulnerability is actually demonstrated. Suggestion: Unless the responses to http://<path> and https://<path> are very similar, don't rate the issue as a certainty. (The certainty is that there is not Strict-Transport-Security header, but that absence is not on its own a vulnerability.) Suggestion: Include both responses (http and https) in the issue , so that the tester can send both identified responses to the comparer and evaluate/verify the claim.

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 18, 2017 07:44AM UTC