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Start Burp suite as a different user on Windows 10

Jürgen | Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 07:55AM UTC

Hi all, for some penetration testing tasks I need to start the whole Burp suite as a different user (Windows 10) than the user from the license context. So it asks me to enter the license key again. Which doesn't work as the key itself is tied to my original windows user. How can I switch to a different user and back regularly with the pro suite, is it even possible? For now I use the community edition for such tasks, but I'm very limited in my work compared to the pro edition. I would appreciate it very much if I could switch the license or, even better, the license itself would not be tied to the user context. Best regards Jürgen

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 09:46AM UTC

Hi Jürgen, The licensing system currently works by storing the license information on the machine that Burp is installed on under the user that has carried out the installation. Unfortunately, if you install and activate Burp as one user and then try to access this installation as another machine user then you will be prompted to reactivate and this is expected behaviour. You should, however, be able to activate Burp for the second user - have you tried to do this? If so, what issues are you experiencing?

Jürgen | Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 11:14AM UTC

Hi Ben, I just tried to activate Burp for the second user and it worked out nicely. I thought there might be problems with the license, but apparently that is not the case. When I tried this about 2 years ago it didn't work (for whatever reason), hence my request today. Thank you, all is good! :)

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