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Set Drop Out of Scope Requests (Enterprise)

Andrzejewski, | Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 11:51AM UTC

Is there a was in Burp Enterprise to explicitly set the scanning machines to drop all out of scope requests like in Burp Pro?

Maia, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 04:08PM UTC

Hi, Since that option is a project option in Burp suite Professional the basic configuration will work in Burp Suite Enterprise Edition. Any advanced scope is specific to Pro and unlikely to work. You can save the configuration as JSON from Pro by clicking on the cog icon and selecting save. You can then import it as a scan configuration in Enterprise under Settings > Scan configurations. Your scan configuration should look something like this: { "project_options":{ "connections":{ "out_of_scope_requests":{ "advanced_mode":false, "drop_all_out_of_scope":true, "exclude":[], "include":[ { "enabled":true, "prefix":"http://portswigger-labs.net" } ], "scope_option":"custom" } } } }

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