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Send the email submission request to Burp Repeater, add "roleid":2 into the JSON in the request body, and resend it.

Kamlesh | Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 10:43AM UTC

how do i change the role-id once i have sent the request to repeater and in response the role-id is 1. please mention the step to complete this Lab(Access control parameter based) and Yes once i complete the labs i get congratulations pop-up but lab is not marked as Solved once we refresh or move to other labs. Appreciate if get a quick response.

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 07:11AM UTC

Hi, Can you provide us with the exact name of the lab that you are trying to solve so that we can assist you? We were experiencing an issue over the weekend and yesterday morning whereby labs were not being successfully marked as solved. This issue has now been resolved and the labs should now be being marked as solved when they have been completed.

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