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Send HTTP request to extension?

Nadia | Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 04:22PM UTC

Hi, I'm writing an extension in Montoya. Is there a method for accessing the Extensions option you get from right clicking on a request in the proxy or repeater? I want to have the following workflow: right click a request in Proxy/Repeater -> Extensions option -> Send to "My Extension" -> Request is sent to "My Extension" and I can modify it/resend it as desired. Basically, the same way a request would be sent to Repeater or Intruder, but instead it goes to my extension. Thank you!

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 08:09AM UTC

Hi Have you had a look at the ContextMenuEvent class? You can find this here: https://portswigger.github.io/burp-extensions-montoya-api/javadoc/burp/api/montoya/ui/contextmenu/ContextMenuEvent.html When registering your context menu, you can use "provideMenuItems(ContextMenuEvent)". This is invoked by Burp Suite when the user requests a context menu with HTTP request/response information in the user interface. You can find an example of an extension that retrieves HttpRequestResponse information from a context menu action here: https://github.com/PortSwigger/burp-extensions-montoya-api-examples/tree/main/contextmenu

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