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Schedule the scan and generate report in html/xml format with Burp Enterprise Graphql API

Ganesh | Last updated: Mar 21, 2024 01:13AM UTC

Hi, I'm working with the Burp Enterprise Graphql API and trying to use Graphql API to initiate the scan and generate report in html/xml format and send mail with generated report (html/xml) to email receipt once scan is completed. Need the help on this task.

Josh, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 21, 2024 09:40AM UTC

Hi Ganesh, which bit of the task would you like assistance with? The GraphQL API can initiate scans and generate reports, but due to the asynchronous nature of the API, you wouldn't be able to ask it to do both at the same time. The GraphQL API doesn't have the functionality to send emails, so you'd have to do this out of the scope of it. You might find that the best way to do what you want would be to write a script which calls the GraphQL API to initiate the scan, which then triggers some other script that polls the GraphQL API to find out when the scan has been completed. At the point you know the scan has been completed, you could generate the report with the GraphQL API and then call your email-sending service to send the email.

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