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Scanner restarted a scan when another item has been cancelled

Manuel | Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 10:06PM UTC

I wanted to cancel a scan that i started earlier within one of the stock configurations in the library, "Audit coverage - thorough" so i right-clicked it in the "Audit items" tab inside the task and choosen "Cancel". Some seconds after the scan was cancelled, the scanner restarted a random task that was stopped two months ago, without any warning or message. I can't really remember if its status was "Done" or "Cancelled" btw :( Not sure how to replicate this, but i'm attaching a screenshot for the start/end time columns: This probably won't help you either, but i don't have any more information than the task numbers themselves: the new one i wanted to cancel was the #8, the one that was automatically restarted was #4.

Patrick, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 08:50AM UTC

Hi Manuel, Thank you for reporting this issue. The behavior that you have described sounds very strange. Would you be able to answer a few additional questions? 1. Are you using the default resource pool? If not, were task #4 and task #8 in the same resource pool? 2. Do you remember the exact type of the two scan tasks? For example, were they both "Crawl and audit"? 3. Is the screenshot that you provided for audit items in task #4 or task #8? Thank you, Patrick

Patrick, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 02:03PM UTC

Hi Manuel, Thank you for getting back to me and apologies for taking so long to get back to you. I understand the symptoms that you are describing but unfortunately I'm unsure how we might fix the problem. This seems like a really good bug BTW. Is there any chance that you are able to reproduce the problem? Thanks again, Patrick

Burp User | Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 09:34PM UTC