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foyled | Last updated: May 07, 2022 06:03AM UTC

Hi,When I select a target,What is the difference between selecting ‘scan’ and selecting ‘actively scan this host’? I did a test and found that using these two different options will find different vulnerabilities

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 09, 2022 08:04AM UTC

Hi "Scan" will launch the scan wizard. From there, you can launch a crawl and audit or a crawl from your specific starting point/seed URL. Alternatively, you can use the "Audit selected items" option. This will run a full audit against your selected requests. An audit consists of both active and passive scan checks. Active checks make additional requests to the target application in order to probe it for vulnerabilities, whereas passive checks simply inspect the traffic without making additional requests. When selecting "Actively scan this host" you are not including the passive checks, whereas "Audit selected items" will include both active and passive.

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