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Rest the admin password on Burp Enterprise

Marquos | Last updated: May 31, 2020 04:35PM UTC

I tried re-installing Burp enterprise but I'm faced with this error. "The specified Data Directory already contains an embedded database" and when I confirm usage..it says "failed to initialize database"

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 12:30PM UTC

To help us understand your setup a little better could you let us know the following, please? When you tried to re-install Burp Enterprise had you uninstalled everything first? If so, could you talk us through the steps you took to uninstall it? Also, when you re-installed Burp were you using the same version as the one that had been installed previously or a newer version? What version are you currently trying to install and what OS are you using?

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