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Resource Pools Settings not Saved in Project Settings File

Samuel | Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 09:51PM UTC

Summary: The resource pools under Settings->Project->Tasks are not saved in Project Settings, despite being identified as a project settings area. Use Case: I am attempting to save a project file and share it with pentesters/bug bounty hunters, and I want to configure a number of settings for them to use. I don't want them to hammer a particular set of apis in scope, so I change the default resource pool to Running Task to "1", Concurrent Requests to "2". Reproduction: Create a new named scan. Navigate to the settings->project->tasks and set the default resource pool to 1 and concurrent requests to 2. Close settings, go to Project->Project Settings->Save Project Settings. Name this file. 3. Open a new named scan, when prompted for project settings navigate to the file you named, and open it. Open the settings again, and you will see the default values restored for Resource Pools. Investigating the named file (JSON project files) will show the values you set for Resource Pools are not saved.

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 01:11PM UTC

Hi Samuel, You are correct - the resource pool settings are not currently stored within the project settings. Just so that we can understand your use case better - are you wanting to share the entirety of your project file with other people or are you simply wanting to export the settings AND THEN share these settings with other people in order for them to load these into Burp?

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